Narcisism: contemporary visual cuture




contemporary narcissim, psychoanalysis, narcissistic personality disorder, Surrealism, art today, selfie, iconology, gender studies


Introduction: Narcissism is the object of reflections and artistic productions, from its origins in the ovidian myth (Ca. 1st centuries BC-1st AD) to the “Contemporary Narcissism” of the selfie era. With this, the objective of the present study focuses on the definition of its central features and iconological analysis in artistic manifestations of the 20th and 21st centuries. Methodology: Along with mythology, paradigmatic narcissism is defined based on freudian (1914) and lacanian (1949) psychoanalytic theses and the clinical diagnosis of the DSM-5 (2014). For the analysis of artistic works, the publications of Iribas (2004), Allepuz-García, (2018) and Triana (2011) are consulted, among others. Results: The premises of Freud and Lacan remain deeply rooted in contemporary and current art. However, other lines are also developed in favor of a “positive” narcissism over pathological one. Discussion: Narcissistic patterns such as sublimated self-referentiality or exhibitionism are derived. However, turning points are located that, paradoxically, link narcissism with critical reflection, creativity and empathy. Conclusions: Although the narcissistic theories of yesteryear continue to rise in the field of avant-garde art, other alternatives that break their prejudices are currently emerging.


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Author Biography

Marina Castilla Ortega, University of Malaga

Marina Castilla Ortega graduated in Art History from the University of Malaga in 2008. She later specialized in the line of Heritage and Cultural Dissemination (Master Social Developments of Artistic Culture, UMA, 2008-10), highlighting her collaborations in the Administrative-Intermediate Municipal Archive and the Municipal Heritage Museum (MUPAM) of Malaga and the Exhibition Center and the House of Culture of Benalmadena. Afterwards, she developed a pre-doctoral scholarship of University Teacher Training (FPU, MECD), for the realization of her Doctoral Thesis in the Department of History of Art of the UMA, entitled: “The Linguistic construction of El Escorial. Study of the linguistic factor in the critical-aesthetic evaluations of artistic events”, under the direction of Dr. Teresa Sauret Guerrero and Dr. Nuria Rodríguez Ortega. This research consisted of a lexical-terminological study of nine descriptions of the image of the Monastery of El Escorial, under a methodology of analysis linked to the discipline of Digital Humanities. It was defended in May 2019, with a grade of “Cum Laude”. Among her scientific production, her publications in journals such as 3Ciencias (Metodologías de la Sociedad Digital aplicadas al estudio léxico-terminológico en las descripciones escurialenses de “Laurentina” y la “Octava Maravilla del Mundo”, 2017) or The International Journal of Arts Theory and History (The phenomenon of the ekphrasis: the problematic image-text in Postmodernity and its relevance for the History of Art, 2019), among others, stand out. Currently, she is Assistant Professor at the Department of Art History of the University of Malaga, where she carries out teaching and research work.


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How to Cite

Castilla Ortega, M. (2024). Narcisism: contemporary visual cuture . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.



Research articles