Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality in the Healthcare sector: perspectives and user experience in higher university education




virtual reality, mixed reality, augmented reality, health, education, student, questionnaire, adoption


Introduction: The sector known as the reality continuum (virtual, augmented, and mixed) has experienced rapid growth, particularly in its application to health sciences. However, despite the undeniable potential of these tools, their adoption by the general public does not yet seem to have consolidated, as evidenced by the moderate sales of virtual reality headsets. Methodology: This study addresses this issue through a comparative analysis of the perceptions of students from health-related areas, such as psychology and nursing, versus students from audiovisual communication, the latter being considered as a theoretical reference for future general applications in the audiovisual medium and mass consumption. Results: The findings indicate that despite the predisposition of both health and audiovisual communication students to use it, most do not own one at home, finding the technology unfamiliar in practical application. Discussion: The results obtained allow us to determine how the adoption of virtual media might evolve in Spanish clinical contexts, both from the patient's and the professional's perspective. Conclusions: The application of effective strategies to promote greater acceptance and use of these new virtual technologies is necessary


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Author Biographies

Guillermo Mejías Martínez, Complutense University of Madrid

Guillermo Mejías (Madrid, 1988) holds a PhD in neurophysiology from the Complutense University of Madrid and works as a researcher at the same university. His areas of research have included the neurological study of addiction to audiovisual media, with publications in prestigious international journals, international conferences and book chapters in high impact publishers. His current research focuses on new models of audiovisual production and distribution, neuromarketing and audiovisual narrative applied to the digital era.

Victoria Cuesta Díaz, Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Cruz Roja Española

Victoria Cuesta Díaz has extensive professional experience in different healthcare centers such as Hospital Quirón Salud in Madrid as a nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Teaching and research experience as Honorary Collaborator of the UCM, Postgraduate Professor of the Master's Degree in Communication and Health of the UCM, member of the consolidated research group UCM. Currently, professor of nursing degree at the Escuela Universitaria Cruz Roja Madrid in teaching and coordination in subjects such as Nursing in Childhood and Adolescence, ICT and dissemination of nursing knowledge. Currently, coordinator of the Red Cross EUE teaching innovation project. Author and co-author of several publications and communications in national and international congresses.

Juan Enrique González-Vallés, Complutense University of Madrid

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. He is part of the Neuromarketing Laboratory NeurolabCenter as well as the Concilium Research Group and the UCM Brand Lab Research Group. President of the Mens et Corda Association and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Ibero-American Communication Studies and Forum XXI. He is editor of the Journal of Communication and Information Sciences. He was director of the CUICIID 2014 Congress and the CODIPROCIN 2023 Congress, being part of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of both congresses in all their editions.


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How to Cite

Mejías Martínez, G., Cuesta Díaz, V., & González-Vallés, J. E. (2024). Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality in the Healthcare sector: perspectives and user experience in higher university education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14.



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