UBO peer tutoring program: implementation and virtuous circle for inclusive education





peer tutoring, inclusive education, university adaptation, solution-focused approach, tutor training, Bernardo O'Higgins University, virtuous circle, academic integration


Introduction: Inclusive and equitable education is a challenge in the university setting. The Peer Tutors Program at Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins (UBO) was implemented to support first-year students in their academic and social adaptation. Methodology:This study evaluated the program's effectiveness using the Solution-Focused Approach (SFA), combining satisfaction surveys and semi-structured interviews with first and second-year students. Results: The results indicated high levels of satisfaction; 85% of the students found the support useful, and 90% positively valued the quality of interaction with their tutors. Discussions: The positive perception suggests that peer tutoring based on SFA is effective in improving student adaptation and well-being. Additionally, the synergistic effect of the virtuous circle among tutors, tutees, and other support programs is highlighted, strengthening the educational experience of the students. Implications for educational practice are discussed, and improvements in tutor training are recommended.Conclusions: The UBO Peer Tutors Program, based on SFA, significantly contributes to inclusive education, enhancing student satisfaction and adaptation. Its expansion and continuous evaluation are suggested.


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Author Biographies

Evelyn Acuña Orellana, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins

Political scientist and Master in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, with diplomas in Educational Project Management and Pedagogy for Higher Education. She serves as Head of the Analysis and Monitoring Unit of the Sub-directorate of Student Development and Comprehensive Training at Bernardo O'Higgins University. Additionally, she teaches courses in Civic Education, Globalization, Ethics, and Social Responsibility under the General Education Unit. She has also volunteered at the 'El Rincón del Saber' Educational Center for 15 years, responsible for content production and coordinating cultural activities to support the education of children and youth at social risk.

Alejandra Hernández Tapia, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins

Clinical psychologist graduated from the Central University of Chile, specialized in systemic psychotherapy and brief solution-focused therapy, with extensive experience in the promotion and prevention of mental health in primary care and the treatment of youth and adults. Currently, she coordinates the Peer Tutor Program at Bernardo O'Higgins University, leading psychoeducational initiatives focused on the socio-emotional and academic development of students. Her participation as a speaker at the 3rd Latin American Meeting of Brief Solution-Focused Therapy highlights her commitment to innovative therapeutic practices. She also teaches general education electives and introductory psychology courses at the university.

Jocelyn Leiva Mondaca, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins

Psychologist and Master in Clinical Psychology for Adults, with a diploma in Projective Techniques and specialized in student support. She serves as Head of the Student Support Section of the Directorate of Student Development and Comprehensive Training at Bernardo O'Higgins University, in addition to her role as a teacher in the General Education courses focused on first-year students. She has also coordinated student support programs in Psychoeducation and Psychological First Aid. Her research has focused on coping strategies and mental health in teachers and the development of support actions for students in their academic adaptation.


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How to Cite

Acuña Orellana, E., Hernández Tapia, A., & Leiva Mondaca, J. (2024). UBO peer tutoring program: implementation and virtuous circle for inclusive education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-561

