Impact of a neurodidactics training program on psychological capital: influence on academic motivation and engagement




neurodidactics, positive psychological capital, engagement, motivation, intervention, training program, neuroeducation, positive psychology


Introduction: Neuroeducation provides a profound understanding of the brain processes involved in learning, enabling the design of more effective educational strategies. This study aims to analyze the impact of implementing a neurodidactics-based training program on students' positive psychological capital and to identify the predictive capacity of positive psychological capital on academic motivation and engagement. Methodology: The design is quasi-experimental, with two data collection points involving 100 students from the Bachelor's degree program in Education. Non-parametric Wilcoxon tests for paired samples were conducted to evaluate changes in positive psychological capital following the program's implementation. Additionally, ANOVAs were performed to identify significant differences, and linear regression was used to determine the predictive power of psychological capital on motivation and engagement. Results: The training program significantly increased the students' psychological capital. Additionally, psychological capital was shown to be a predictive variable for both subject motivation and engagemet. Discussions: The implementation of neurodidactic strategies helps to increase psychological capital, a crucial resource for predicting motivation and engagement, thereby reducing absenteeism. Conclusions: Educating future teachers about the brain's functioning and its connection to learning will aid in designing more effective teaching methods.


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Ventura, Jaume I University

Department of Pedagogy and Didactics of Social Sciences, Language, and Literature, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.

Assistant Professor. Specialist in positive education and neurodidactics. Her research focuses on improving well-being in educational institutions (teachers and students) through neurodidactic strategies and a positive psychology approach.

Noelia Ventura-Campos, Jaume I University

Department of Education and Specific Didactics, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.

Associate Professor in the field of Mathematics Didactics, specializing in Mathematical Neuroeducation. Her research focuses on improving mathematics teaching through neuroeducational and innovative didactic approaches, by studying the brain with neuroimaging techniques during mathematical learning.

Aida Moreno-Rus, Jaume I University

Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging Group, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain

PhD student in the Psychology program at Universitat Jaume I. Graduated in Psychology from the University of Valencia and holds a Master's degree in Neuropsychology from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her thesis focuses on brain neuroplasticity following learning in verbal mathematical problem-solving, through the study of the brain using neuroimaging techniques.


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How to Cite

Ventura Campos, M., Ventura Campos, N., & Moreno Rus, A. (2024). Impact of a neurodidactics training program on psychological capital: influence on academic motivation and engagement. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.




Funding data

  • Universitat Jaume I
    Grant numbers Este estudio ha sido financiado parcialmente por el proyecto de investigación UJIA2021-04 y el proyecto de innovación educativa titulado “Desarrollo de habilidades metacognitivas en la adquisición de competencias docentes” (51555/2), ambos financiados por