Can epistemic injustice help explain women trafficking?




traffiking in persons, epistemic injustice, marginality, dehumanization, human right, democracy, discrimination, language


Introduction: It is believed that the deconstruction of the identity of women victims of trafficking turns them into fungible goods and robs them of their sense of self; it determines a further devaluation, reinforcing both prejudices against women and lowering the level of credibility of these individuals, to the point of denying the existence of a serious denial of human rights. Considering this phenomenon as an anthropological and political theme of the West can be useful for reflecting on the human composition of democracies. Methodology: Political Symbolic addresses issues like this that may constitute intersections between different scientific methods with an interdisciplinary philosophical-political approach. Results: The importance of appropriate language to narrate the wrongs suffered and be able to emancipate oneself from them is reiterated. Discussions: The scrutiny of epistemic injustice reveals how narrative shapes the actual level of democracy and justice, or the actual enjoyment of rights guaranteed by a democratic system. Conclusions: The focus is rekindled on the relationship between truth and politics, and rights, reaffirming its centrality in the neoliberal context or, in the infocracy that Byung-Chul Han speaks of, and emphasizing the need for this theme to be taken seriously and further investigated.


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Author Biography

Elena Cuomo, University of Naples Federico II

Associate Professor Sps01 since 2005/06, she has been qualified in Second Band Sps01 since 2023. She teaches Political Symbolism at the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Naples, Federico II. She has published, among other things: The cannibalism of relationships in Franz von Baader, in F. Mercadante, M. S. Barberi, R. Di Giuseppe, G. Fornari (Eds.), Milan 2012; Ismene's fault? Questions and symbolic-political issues on the trafficking of women in contemporary society, Milan 2018; Only the gaze saves. On the commodification of slave women in Western democracies, in "Rassegna di Teologia", Naples 2021; Care and citizenship. Possible perspectives for life in common, in M. P. Paternò and C. Faraco (eds.), Care and citizenship. History, philosophy, law, Naples 2021.


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How to Cite

Cuomo, E. (2024). Can epistemic injustice help explain women trafficking?. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–12.

