The human impact on Earth: Meteorite or link of life? The work 'Edafoceno', an interdisciplinary analysis from bibliography, ethnography, and art




art, ethnography, ages of the Earth, edaphology, narrative illustration, agriculture, cattle raising, composting


Introduction: This study examines the evolution of the Earth from its geological ages to the present Anthropocene, highlighting the current human impact, especially in food production and the relationship with the soil. Methodology: Through bibliographic, ethnographic and arts-based methodologies, the relationships between past and current mass extinctions are explored, and sustainable food production alternatives are proposed. Results: The results show the ages of the Earth as delimited by large catastrophic events that not only mark mass extinctions, but also new explosions of biodiversity. The work Edaphocene is the main result of this contribution Discussion: Based on the research, the aim is to create a philosophical debate: are we a link in the chain of life or a meteorite? Conclusions: Art allows bibliographic and ethnographic research to be shown, while promoting a philosophical dialogue between the viewer and the work..


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Author Biography

Fernando Luque Cuesta, University of Granada

A graduate in Fine Arts from the University of Seville, his work reflects the rural question from the outset. During his master's studies in Drawing at the University of Granada and in Teaching at the University of Almería, he delved deeper into this subject. His doctoral thesis, also at the University of Granada, addresses the rural question with multidisciplinary methodologies, resulting in publications in Q2 and Q3 indexed journals, as well as in Q1 publishers with book chapters. She is a member of the research group HUM731: FORMA Y CONTENIDO EN DIBUJOS ANIMADOS E ILUSTRACIÓN (FYCDA), and of the Research Project IMÁGENES PARA LA INCLUSIÓN Y LA EDUCACIÓN EN LA DIVERSIDAD - IMAGINED (IMAGINED). In addition, through artistic creation, it enriches and expands its lines of research.


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How to Cite

Luque Cuesta, F. (2024). The human impact on Earth: Meteorite or link of life? The work ’Edafoceno’, an interdisciplinary analysis from bibliography, ethnography, and art. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.



Research articles