Learning from the co-creation process: effectiveness of an educational experience in higher education





co-creation, learning, pedagogical innovation, active methodology, educational experience, pedagogical advantages, teacher instigator, university teaching


Introduction: Today's world is globalized, changing and in which the challenges of society are constant. Having skills in pedagogical innovation methodologies favors the formation of individuals trained to respond to these challenges. It's in this area that this study frames. The effectiveness of a project to improve the process of co-creation and pedagogical innovation with a group of Portuguese university students is analysed. Methodology: The analysis of the results, based on the students' observations and records, showed that the co-creation project contributed to the development of critical thinking, communication skills, teamwork and collaboration among these students. Results: It's concluded from the effectiveness of co-creation in the exchange and construction of knowledge and that there is also a need for constant (re)construction of educational praxis, since the teacher continues remains an eternal apprentice of the teaching process.


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Author Biographies

Florbela Rodrigues, Polytechnic of Guarda

Florbela Lages Antunes Rodrigues. Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda School of Education, Communication and Sport. He works in the area(s) of Social Sciences with an emphasis on Educational Sciences and Humanities/Foreign Languages.. In his Ciência Vitae curriculum, the most frequent terms used to contextualize his scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Teacher training and Foreign Language Teaching.

2023 - President of the ESECD Pedagogical Council. 2018 - Vice-president of the ESECD Pedagogical Council. 2016 - Coordinator of the Education UTC - ESECD. 2015 - Director of the TeSP course in Accompanying Children and Young People. ESECD. 2015 - Master in Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd cycle of basic education and secondary education and Spanish in basic and secondary education. University of Beira Interior. 2014 - PhD in Education - University of Beira Interior. 2008 - Successful completion of the Specialized Training in Special Education, Cognitive and Motor Domain at Lusíada University. 1998 - Master of Supervision in Education - University of Nottingham. 1994 - Lecturer at the School of Education, Communication and Sport - Guarda Polytechnic Institute. 1994 - Basic Education Teacher's Degree, Portuguese/French variant - Guarda Polytechnic Institute. 1990 - Baccalaureate in Secondary Education Series A1 - Languages - Philosophy - Mathematics.

Maria Eduarda Roque Ferreira, Polytechnic of Guarda

Maria Eduarda Ferreira, PhD in Biology, by University of Aveiro and Aggregation in Education, by the University of Beira Interior. Principal Coordinator Professor of the Department of Education, School of Education, Communication and Sports (ESECD)- Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (IPG), Portugal. Coordinates the Education area of the Education Sciences (ESECD-IPG). Member of the Scientific Committee of the Master's programme in Pre-School Education and Primary School Teaching. The researcher’s predominant area of scientific activity is focused on the Educational Sciences, with particular emphasis on the study of teaching methods and training. Editor of journal Egitania Sciencia. Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Promoting Pro-environmental Awareness and Behaviors in Campus" of the journal "Sustainability". Vice-President of the IPG Ethics Committee. Member of the committee for implementing the "Gender Equality Plan of IPG". Member of the Executive Committee of the Centre for Iberian Studies (CEI).


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, F., & Roque Ferreira, M. E. (2024). Learning from the co-creation process: effectiveness of an educational experience in higher education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-601

