Key elements of internal communication for the management of labor relations and conflict: application to the hotel sector




internal communication, conflict management, hotel industry, tourism organizations, organizational management, modeling, conflict coping, nonviolent communication


Introduction: Internal communication is a relevant aspect in conflict management and labor relations in tourism-hotel organizations. Methodology: By means of multiple linear regression, the aim is to validate which attributes related to internal communication have the greatest influence on the general perception of relations and conflict management. Results: Four variables were identified as having a direct influence on the overall perception of labor relations and conflict: fulfillment of promises by superiors, performance of actual job functions, accessibility and ease of talking to superiors, and information from superiors on important issues. Discussions: Several studies have analyzed the relationship between internal communication and conflict in organizations concluding that effective internal communication is associated with lower levels of conflict and higher job satisfaction, others highlighting the role of leaders as a crucial element in managing and avoiding conflict. Conclusions:  Internal communication influences the perception that people who collaborate in the organization have of conflict management and labor relations and that their hotel company performs.


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Author Biographies

María del Carmen Paradinas Márquez, ESIC University

Degree in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1996). Master's Degree in Human Resources Management and Labour Relations from the Camilo José Cela University of Madrid (2016) and PhD in Tourism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid with Cum Laude mention (2021). Lawyer with more than 20 years of professional practice. Mediator. Lecturer at ESIC University in the Departments of Humanities and Business Management. She teaches History of Spanish Institutions and various subjects of Law (civil, commercial and labour law) in Official Degrees, as well as social and labour relations and conflict management in the Master's Degree in People Management and Organisational Development and in the MBA. Director of the academic department of external internships.

Jose Antonio Vicente Pascual, ESIC University

Director of the Degree in Data and Business Analytics at ESIC University. Undergraduate and postgraduate lecturer at ESIC University and the Complutense University of Madrid.
PhD in Business Organization (URCJ, 2015), Executive MBA (ESIC, 2008), Degree in Market Research (UAM, 2008), Master in Quality Management (CJC, 2004), Diploma in Statistics (UCM, 2004). Twenty years of experience in the fields of strategy, marketing and sales in both end companies and consultancy. Head of strategy at AXA Seguros and Grupo Transhotel. Currently Managing Partner at Descyfra Consulting, a consultancy firm specialising in Data Science. His lines of research include the development of mathematical models applied to the prediction of consumer behaviour, organisational development and corporate social responsibility.


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How to Cite

Paradinas Márquez, M. del C., & Vicente Pascual, J. A. (2024). Key elements of internal communication for the management of labor relations and conflict: application to the hotel sector. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.



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