ODS Irratia as a Community Radio: A Participatory Experience of Social Innovation in Education





Educational Social Innovation, Community Development, Community Radio, Sustainable Development Goals, Inclusion, Empowerment, Community Return


Abstract: The ODS Irratia-Community Radio project was born in 2021/2022 as a project aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, triangulating the participation of Professors and students of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, service and organization staff and members of the Third Sector. The main objective is the creation of spaces and experiences of meaningful learning linked to the community based on educational innovation. Methodology: The research strategy is based on the study of a single case, supported by a multi-method design in which survey data collection techniques and participant observation have been applied, information that has also been analyzed through the Iramuteq program (0.7 alpha 2) Results and Discussion: The results indicate that through community radio, change is promoted in the construction of a University committed to society and linked to the principle of reality, promoting values ​​such as inclusion, community empowerment and the giving back aimed at social justice. Likewise, the findings reveal the transformative impact of the ODS Irratia-Community Radio on the Learning of University Students.


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Author Biographies

Miriam Ureta García, University of the Basque Country

Currently lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Social Work at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication (Leioa, UPV/EHU). She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (2022), an Official Master's Degree in Teaching Staff from the UNIR (2022), an Official Master's Degree in Applied Social Research Techniques from the UAB/UB (2020), an Official Master's Degree in Governance and Political Studies from the EHU/UPV (2016), a Degree in Political Science (2015) and a Degree in Journalism (2011). Her research interests include participation from a gender perspective, democratic innovations and educational phenomena from a political science perspective.

Lorena Relloso Arinas, University of the Basque Country

Associate lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the Faculty of Education in Bilbao (UPV/EHU). PhD student in the branch of Art Education at the Faculty of Fine Arts (UPV/EHU) with a Master's degree in Research and Creation in Art and a Master's degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Her personal research focuses on art pedagogy and gender perspective. She works in different research groups and non-profit associations within the framework of art, education and feminism.

Amaia Eiguren Munitis, University of the Basque Country

She is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation and Vice-Dean of Mobility and International Relations at the Faculty of Education in Bilbao (Leioa, UPV/EHU). She holds a PhD from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and has a degree in Social Work (2005), a specialised teacher of Primary Education (2013) and a degree in Social Education (2017). Her main area of research is intergenerational relationships, and the well-being of children and adults. She has extensive experience as a Social Educator with children in situations of vulnerability.

Maitane Picaza Gorrotxategi, University of the Basque Country

She is currently an assistant lecturer in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation at the Faculty of Education in Bilbao (Leioa, UPV/EHU). She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Deusto, her thesis was awarded a prize in the 5th competition for research publications on gender equality (Emakunde), she graduated in Primary Education Teaching and has a degree in Law. She belongs to the KideON research group. She has taken part in various international conferences and participates in research projects related to education and the social sphere.


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How to Cite

Ureta García, M., Relloso Arinas, L., Eiguren Munitis, A., & Picaza Gorrotxategi, M. (2024). ODS Irratia as a Community Radio: A Participatory Experience of Social Innovation in Education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-623

