Discourses by International Organizations on educational digitalization in Latin America





Education, ICT, digitalization, education policy, Latin America, International Organization, rural education, globalization


Introduction: Currently, the discourses of International Organisations on digitisation are very relevant in the design and implementation of educational policies. In this sense, the aim of this article is to investigate the main discourses of international organisations on educational digitalisation in Latin America in order to indicate discursive and political trends in this regard in the region. Methodology: Using the tools of discourse analysis and textual analysis, a review of the reports of Latin American IOs in the period 2018-2024 is carried out. Results: The main results show that, in Latin America, the use of ICT in education cannot be considered a right, but it is a current need that allows us to respond to the demands of a globalised and interconnected world. However, the geographical, social, demographic, cultural, political and economic context of the countries in the region presents a scenario with many limitations in the implementation and success of these policies. Conclusions: Two important reflections are drawn; on the one hand, the digitalisation of education allows for better development of students, on the other hand, the digitalisation gap between generations belonging to rural communities increases social, economic and cultural inequalities that permeate community lifestyles.


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Author Biographies

Jesús Omar Brizuela-Padilla, University of Salamanca

He holds a degree in Law and Pedagogy from the University of Colima. He currently works as General Director of Continuing Education at the University of Colima, Mexico. His lines of research revolve around higher education in rural contexts, digitalisation processes, commodification of higher education, as well as the uses of ICT in education.

Gabriel Álvarez López, University of Salamanca

He teaches in the area of Theory and History of Education in the degrees of Pedagogy and Social Education, as well as in the postgraduate courses of the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching and in the Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Education in the Global Society. Her research interests are educational policies, educational discourses, comparative education, evaluation of educational systems and teacher professional development. She is a member of the Research Group on Supranational Educational Policies (GIPES - UAM) and the Research Group on Educational Processes, Spaces and Practices (GIPEP - USAL). She has a six-year research period recognised by CNEAI (2015-2020).


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How to Cite

Brizuela-Padilla, J. O., & López, G. Álvarez. (2024). Discourses by International Organizations on educational digitalization in Latin America . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-625

