The semantic component of Manner in the translation of Italian motion verbs into Spanish




translation, verbs, motion, salience, manner, linguistics, Italian, Spanish


Introduction: Italian and Spanish, despite being two Romance languages, show important differences in the linguistic resources available in both languages to talk about motion. Methodology: An exhaustive analysis based on the parallel corpus of the Italian novel I leoni di Sicilia and its translation into Spanish, Los leones de Sicilia, has been carried out, focusing on motion verbs that lexicalize the semantic component of Manner in the verb root. We have analysed the techniques used for the translation of this type of verbs into Spanish and compared them with the translations produced by a group of university students of the Degree in Translation and Interpreting. Results: The most common translation techniques in Spanish normally use locutions and complex linguistic constructions, or reduce or omit the information about Manner. Discussions: Italian language seems to show greater flexibility, richness and variety than Spanish in terms of adding details about Manner in motion verbs. Conclusions: This type of studies provide relevant data on the connection between cognition and language, and encourage reflection and critical thinking in the university classroom.


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Author Biography

Nicola Florio, University of Salamanca

Nicola Florio is a Margarita Salas postdoctoral researcher at the University of Salamanca. She has carried out her doctoral thesis at the University of Salamanca on the analysis of the expression of movement in a comparative way between Italian and Spanish, with which she has obtained the title of International Doctor with a grade of Excellent Cum Laude and the Extraordinary Doctorate Award in 2020. His activity as a university lecturer in the Faculty of Philology of the University of Salamanca began in 2015 and since then, he has taught several subjects belonging to different university degrees of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Translation and Documentation.


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How to Cite

Florio, N. (2024). The semantic component of Manner in the translation of Italian motion verbs into Spanish. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–13.



Humanism and Social Sciences