Active methodologies in higher education: the case of a private university in Mexico




higher education, university, active learning, active methodologies, teaching, higher education professors, teacher training, Mexico


Introduction: Given the emergence of the educational approach focused on competencies, active methodologies begun to have relevance in Mexico and the world in the XXI century, positioning the student as the protagonist of the learning process, and the teacher as a strategic designer of didactic situations, counselor and learning outcomes analyst. The objective of this study is to describe the use of active methodologies by the teaching staff of a particular University in the State of Aguascalientes (Mexico). Methodology: A quantitative study was developed, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design and exploratory and descriptive scope. Fifty-three teachers participated, who were administered an instrument alluding to the frequency of use of different teaching methodologies: the traditional one, as well as a repertoire of active methodologies. Results: The data analysis reveals that the traditional methodology is the most used, followed by problem-based learning and cooperative learning. For its part, the areas used were the flipped class, gamification, and service-based learning. Discussion: The results are discussed regarding their relevance within the framework of higher education trends and the fourth UN Sustainable Development Goal, aimed at quality education.


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Author Biographies

Javier Fernández-de-Castro, Panamerican University

Secretary of research and undergraduate and postgraduate professor at the School of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Universidad Panamericana campus Aguascalientes. Doctor in Education: measurement and evaluation of educational intervention from the Universidad Anáhuac campus México Norte. Master in Management and Direction of Educational Centres, Specialist in Philosophical Anthropology and Bachelor in Pedagogy from the Universidad Panamericana campus Aguascalientes. Specialisation studies in Statistical Methods at the Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas CIMAT, Aguascalientes unit. Her scientific production is oriented to the research line ‘Actors, processes and educational institutions’. Member of the National System of Researchers of Conachyt (candidate level). Full member of the Mexican Council for Educational Research (COMIE).

Ricardo Alberto Villegas-Pantoja, Panamerican University

Head of the TALENT teacher training centre at the Universidad Panamericana campus Aguascalientes. Electronics Engineer: Specialising in business automation at the Tecnológico Nacional de México, ITSUR campus. Student of the Master in Educational Innovation at the Universidad Panamericana. Director of Educational Innovation at Hericraft Soluciones Integrales en Educación 4.0.


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How to Cite

Fernández-de-Castro, J., & Villegas-Pantoja, R. A. (2024). Active methodologies in higher education: the case of a private university in Mexico. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.

