Attention to gender diversity and inclusive education: moving towards a rainbow school




gender diversity, early childhood education, teacher training, inclusion, attention to diversity, children's literature, innovation, storytelling


Introduction: It is a pending subject in university classrooms that future Early Childhood Education teachers should be trained in gender diversity and know how to propose inclusive teaching strategies, including stories. It is a challenge for an inclusive school to design a vision through a critical reading of the prevailing discourse of heteronormativity; it is an indispensable tool so that students can participate and begin to normalise gender diversity. Methodology: The research methodology used was participatory action research.  Results: Most of the students' responses expressed that they do not feel prepared to carry out inclusive educational interventions with respect to gender diversity. They allude that this is due to the lack of training in this area and the prejudices they have. Results: Most of the students' responses express that they do not feel prepared to carry out inclusive educational interventions with respect to gender diversity. They say that this is due to a lack of training in this area and the prejudices they have. Discussion: As the data from the participatory action research show, there is a need for innovative teaching methodologies in teacher training, based on experiential training and through inclusive training they know how to implement gender diversity. Conclusions: This research reflects the importance of incorporating practical content related to gender diversity in the initial training plans for Early Childhood Education teachers. We have detected the need for practical training that allows them to have tools such as non-heteronormative stories to act and transform the school towards the inclusion of gender diversity.


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Author Biography

Begoña Sánchez Torrejón, University of Cádiz

Assistant Professor at the Department of Didactics of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Cadiz. PhD in Art and Humanities (University of Cadiz). Master in Gender, Identity and Citizenship (University of Cadiz). Degree in Pedagogy (University of Granada). Co-director of the Andalusian Observatory of gender diversity, health and citizenship. Member of the LIESS Network: Ibero-American Network for the Socio-historical Study of Sexualities. Advisor to the Independent Council for Child Protection (Spain). Member of the Research Group on Education and Diversity LGTBIQ + (EDI) University of Valencia. Member of the research group for media and education (EDUCOM) HUM818.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Torrejón, B. (2024). Attention to gender diversity and inclusive education: moving towards a rainbow school. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.

