Empowerment of indigenous peasant women and community tourism in the Capachica peninsula, Puno, Perú





Experiential tourism, Gender equality, SDG 5, Peasant woman, Rural tourism, Leadership, Undertake, Personal autonomy


Introduction: The objective of this work was to disseminate the experience of the empowerment process through community tourism of indigenous Quechua-speaking peasant women of the Capachica peninsula, located around Lake Titicaca, Puno-Peru. Methodology: A mixed research approach was considered with the participation of four rural tourist communities: Llachon, Chifron, Ccotos and Siale. Direct observation, interviews with community leaders and a survey of 119 families who participated in the training and workshops were used. Results: 97% of indigenous peasant women assumed responsibility for the tourist services they offer and economic administrative control for the benefit of all household members, and for 99% of them, community tourism improved the quality of family life. Discussions: The process of developing community tourism activity was a powerful instrument for the Quechua-speaking indigenous peasant woman to develop leadership skills, economic independence and decision-making in her home. Conclusions: Indigenous peasant women achieved personal autonomy, self-confidence and conscious knowledge of the economic condition of their home through the income developed by community tourism activity.


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Author Biographies

Guicela Iris Huatuco Soto, National University Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza

Master's in Ecotourism Sciences and a Bachelor's degree in Tourism Administration, with professional experience in tourism projects in various regions of the country for governmental organizations such as MINCETUR, DIRCETUR, CENFOTUR, as well as NGO and private consulting firms. She has worked on biodiversity conservation programs in marine-coastal areas in Peru. Currently, she is a lecturer at the Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza National University in the Amazonas department. She has pursued studies in the Master's program in Public Policy with a specialization in Social Project Management at UNMSM and completed a course in Public Management with an Intercultural Approach. She also had the experience of being an external peer reviewer for PASOS, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, indexed in SCOPUS.

Blanca FLor Robles Pastor, National University Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza

Professional specialized in studies and research on social, educational, health, economic and other indicators. She has a specialization in applied statistics, a specialist in research training and has high pedagogical training. University teacher and trainer in teacher training programs of the Peruvian Ministry of Education. Dedicated to multivariate data analysis in applied research and market studies using specialized statistical software. Evaluator of research projects and scientific articles. Doctor in Education. Master in Applied Statistics and statistics for the public sector. (Alcalá-Madrid University). Master in Higher Education didactics. Graduate in Statistics. She is currently a full-time senior lecturer at the Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza National University of Amazonas, Peru.


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How to Cite

Huatuco Soto, G. I., & Robles Pastor, B. F. (2024). Empowerment of indigenous peasant women and community tourism in the Capachica peninsula, Puno, Perú. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-637

