Teaching innovation projects in French Philology





Teaching innovation, French Philology, university teaching, evaluation, tutoring, French Studies, educational research, ICT projects


Introduction: This study aims to present, analyze and disseminate four teaching innovation projects applied by the Department of French Philology of the University of Granada in the Degree in French Studies whose common axis is teaching, evaluation and tutoring of students. Methodology: The methodology focuses on the analysis of the different actions undertaken and the results obtained in four different areas: academic, methodological, evaluative and tutorial. Results: The results have been extracted from the teacher evaluation of the materials and projects delivered by the students, and of the different opinion questionnaires carried out by them. Discussions: After analysis of the results, we can affirm that the implementation of the projects has been very positive and satisfactory. Conclusions: Finally, we can determine that the objectives have been completely achieved and the majority of students have experienced an improvement in various fundamental aspects of learning such as linguistic skills, autonomy, initiative, motivation, responsibility and the development of digital competence, and thanks to continuous tutoring, personalized attention to diversity has been guaranteed at all times.


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Author Biography

Mª Isabel Martínez Robledo, University of Granada

Degree in Translation and Interpreting (1999), PhD from the University of Granada (2004) and member of the Inter-University Research Group in Translation, Communication and Applied Linguistics (HUM 767). She has been a lecturer in the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the UGR and since 2008 she has been a lecturer in the Department of French Philology in the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. She has taught in 14 undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate university degrees. She has participated in 6 teaching innovation projects, in 5 international research projects and in the organisation of international conferences and symposia. She has several publications on language, literature and culture, and has focused on computer tools applied to translation and virtual language teaching.


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How to Cite

Martínez Robledo, M. I. (2024). Teaching innovation projects in French Philology. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–24. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-638


