The university abyss: perceptions from academic experience about the current university situation
university, higher education, university models, market-driven education, university academics, academic career, retirement, working conditionsAbstract
Introduction: Within the university as a social system, ongoing social processes shape its identity, implying it should be understood as a living organism interacting with elements both external and internal. Presently bound by metrics and accountability, the university often deviates from its intended purpose. Faced with market demands, the university progresses in a complex manner. Academics experience these challenges, with the university's processes of construction and reconstruction generating stressful situations, reactive responses, and constant self-evaluations regarding their development. Methodology: A mixed-method approach was employed through an in-depth research design, conducting semi-structured interviews with 21 Chilean academics aged between 55 and 76 from 9 public and private universities across 9 different disciplines. Results: Chilean academics express concern over the current direction of the university and yearn for it to be a space for dialogue, critical thinking, and collaboration with society. Discussion: There is apprehension regarding the changes universities face and how they are gradually losing older academics and the meaningful ideals of a university. Conclusions: These academics' perspectives provide insight into opportunities for the social transformation of the university.
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