Balance of ten years of FTA between Colombia and United States: A bilateral trade within the framework of dependent development


  • William Moreno López Corporación Universitaria de Asturias
  • Federico Salazar Ching Pontifical Xavierian University image/svg+xml



Economic integration, regional blocs, Free Trade Agreement, trade balance, Dependency theory, asymmetric economies, deindustrialization, economic reprimarization


Introduction: A decade after the entry into force of the FTA signed between Colombia and the United States, the institutional and media silence contrasts with the bustling announcements of prosperity that preceded such implementation. There are not many documents that answer how bilateral trade has evolved after ten years of FTA? To fill this gap, this paper offers an assessment of these trade dynamics. Methodology: The work presented in this text involves a bibliographic review, which proceeds in accordance with the correlational nature that becomes a description during its development and allows us to account for the fulfillment of the research purposes: evaluate the commercial dynamics of that FTA. Results: In this regard and after pointing out from a theoretical perspective of dependence the imposed nature and the asymmetric condition of the Treaty, is visualized the negative behavior registered by the Colombian trade balance that verifies this condition. Discussion: during the last decade USA has increased its production capacity; meanwhile Colombia continues the production and export of what it has done historically: energy mining goods and raw materials. Conclusions: The FTA perpetuates unequal exchange typical of economic relations of dependency.


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Author Biographies

William Moreno López, Corporación Universitaria de Asturias

Economist, PhD in Knowledge and Culture of Latin America, PhD in Complex Thought, MSc. in Analysis of Contemporary Political, Economic and International Problems. A person fully convinced of the transforming virtue of his educational profession, a rigorous researcher in socio-economic sciences, a professional willing to contribute from his work to social welfare, progress and peace.

Thirty years of experience as a professor, director of graduate work, researcher categorised by Minciencias, registered in GoogleScholar, ResearchGate and ORCID, author of three books and forty articles published in indexed journals. In the real sector, he has worked for fifteen years in the formulation and implementation of development projects; he has been linked to the public sector for six years.

Federico Salazar Ching, Pontifical Xavierian University

Graduate of the Political Science and International Relations programmes at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, with publications on corruption and foreign trade and international work experience in diplomacy, foreign trade, commercial management, project management and relations between public and private entities at the Colombian Embassy abroad, the binational Chamber of Commerce and ProColombia (entity in charge of promoting exports, tourism, investment and Colombia's country brand).

Currently, advisor and consultant in business development for MSMEs in technical aspects of foreign trade, international business model, sustainability, international expansion and strategic export alliances, from the Coordination of Projects for the Internationalisation of ProColombia.


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How to Cite

Moreno López, W., & Salazar Ching, F. (2024). Balance of ten years of FTA between Colombia and United States: A bilateral trade within the framework of dependent development. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.



Humanism and Social Sciences