Impact of the Educational Seminar on the Degree in Social Education




knowledge, social education, higher education, employability, university education, methodology, educational seminar, university


Introduction: University education aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for their future employment. Sometimes, the contents of the different subjects of the Degree in Social Education are not sufficient to cover this need. Methodology: A training seminar focused on the tools for the active search for employment, administering to the participants a questionnaire designed ad hoc, with quantitative and qualitative elements on this teaching and learning process. Under a mixed methodology, a descriptive analysis of the data was carried out. Results: The results show the university students' vision of the different training sessions, their previous knowledge of the different topics, the positive change in their perception of the sessions, and their opinion of the duration of the sessions. Discussion: The results are discussed in relation to recent academic literature on the subject. Conclusions: It is concluded that the training seminar is a valuable resource for the continuous academic and professional growth of university students, as it favours interest and motivation, facilitates the updating of knowledge, the development of skills and direct contact with experts in the sector.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Pattier, Complutense University of Madrid

Doctor in Education, Graduate in Primary Education, Master in Innovation and Research in Education, Master in Programming and Implementation of Educational Projects, Master in Neurosciences for Teachers. Assistant Professor at the Department of Educational Studies of the Faculty of Education - Teacher Training Centre of the Complutense University of Madrid. Lines of research: Educational Innovation; Educational Technology; Didactics and School Organisation. Award for the Best University Teacher in Spain in the Educa Abanca 2023 Awards. Member of the Research Group Studies on Communication and Languages for Inclusion and Educational Equity (ECOLE) and the Research Group in Anthropology and Philosophy of Education (GIAFE) of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Inmaculada Gómez-Jarabo, Complutense University of Madrid

Degree and PhD in Pedagogy from the Complutense University of Madrid and Associate Professor at the same university. Diploma of Teaching Excellence (2015-2016 academic year and 2015-2018 and 2018-2021). Coordinator of the generic module of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching and of the subject ‘Information and Communication Technologies in Social Education’ at the UCM. Member of the Quality Assurance Committee of the Degree in Early Childhood Education at the URJC. Lines of research: Educational Innovation; Educational Technology; Interculturality; Coexistence; Initial and ongoing training of education professionals. Member of the Research Group Studies on Communication and Languages for Inclusion and Educational Equity (ECOLE).

Marta Gómez-Gómez, Rey Juan Carlos University

PhD in Pedagogy, Degree in Pedagogy, Diploma in Early Childhood Education, Master's Degree in Innovation and Research in Education and Master's Degree in Neurodidactics. Associate Professor in the Degree in Early Childhood Education, Degree in Primary Education and Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Lines of research: Educational innovation; Service-Learning; Educational technology. Best Service-Learning Project for the introduction of ICT in schools (SIMO, 2013) and III Innovative Teachers Award (URJC, 2020). Member of the Research Group on Educational Innovation and Improvement, and collaborator in the High Performance Group of Fundamentals of Education and Educational Social Responsibility at URJC. Member of the Association Pro-Colegio Oficial de Pedagogía y Psicopedagogía de la Comunidad de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Pattier, D., Gómez-Jarabo, I., & Gómez-Gómez, M. (2024). Impact of the Educational Seminar on the Degree in Social Education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.




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