Visual artists and new cultural spaces in the periphery of Madrid. Digital communication and promotion




art, Carabanchel, digital communication, cultural places, Madrid, Medinaceli, urban periphery, Zapadores City of Art


Introduction: The effects of the real estate bubble and the financial crisis in the early of the 21st century caused a gradual relocation of studios and artistic spaces to the outskirts for lage cities, including Madrid, wich had to make use of new digital communication tools to make themselves known. The research is focused on an initial study fo the diversity of spaces with a case study of each option: self-management association, private concentration, government initiative and rural enclave. Methodology: An inital bibliographic study, immersion fieldwork, interviews, tracing and digital communication qualitative data collection have been carried out. Results: The different grouping models show significant differences in communication strategies, although the use of digital media and online tools are the mainstray for their communication efforts. Discussions: The artistic spaces of the periphery seek integration into the territory, but face problems of gentrification and the need to attract external audiencies to these places. Conclusions: Digital communication is essential for the survival of peripheral artistic spaces and is the most effective means to achieve their goals.


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Author Biography

Carlos Treviño Avellaneda, Complutense University of Madrid

PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising from the UCM. Undergraduate and Master's Degree Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Communication Theories and Analysis at the UCM, and in the Humanities and Social Sciences faculty at UNIR. He is a member of the Research Group of Excellence ‘Art, Architecture and Communication in the Contemporary City’ (national R&D project). Author of research articles and scientific dissemination, collaborator in books and publications related to communication and art, symbology, semiotics, gender equality, LGTBIQ+ rights and territories. Professional for two decades in Culture and Communication departments. He is currently Secretary General of the Spanish Association of Art Critics and member of the International Association of Art Critics.


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How to Cite

Treviño Avellaneda, C. (2024). Visual artists and new cultural spaces in the periphery of Madrid. Digital communication and promotion. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.




Funding data