Learning context and German as a foreign language learners’ beliefs





individual differences, beliefs, learning contexts, task-based approach, BALLI questionnaire, classroom interaction, attitude, motivation


Introduction: Language learners' beliefs influence their learning process, and the learning context can modify these beliefs. This study compares the beliefs of learners of German as a foreign language to analyse how they relate to their learning context. Methodology: Horwitz's BALLI questionnaire was used to investigate learners' beliefs. The aim was to establish relationships between their beliefs and the context in which they learn German. Results: The results provide a specific profile of the German learners in our study, which distinguishes them from students in other learning contexts. Discussion: The study highlights how the learning context influences language learners' beliefs, suggesting that these factors should be taken into account when designing teaching programmes. Conclusions: The resulting profile of German learners‘ beliefs shows clear differences from other contexts, highlighting the importance of considering the learning environment in the study of language learners’ beliefs.


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Author Biographies

Raul Davila-Romero, University of Cádiz

I started my teaching career at the Universität des Saarlandes (Germany). After five semesters as a teacher of Spanish language and culture in Germany, I obtained a scholarship for my doctoral thesis at the University of Cadiz, where I am still working as a teacher of German as a foreign language. Language acquisition in the foreign language context has been my main field of activity both in teaching and research. I belong to the research group ‘Foreign language teaching: materials for a new curriculum design’, from which we propose methodological approaches to bring to the classroom the advances made in the field of foreign language acquisition in educational settings.

Natalie Kirchhoff, University of Cádiz

I worked as a lecturer of German as a foreign language at the University of Cadiz during the academic years 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. From 2010 to 2016 I taught German as a foreign language at the Centro Superior de Lenguas Modernas (University of Cadiz). Since February 2016 I have been teaching German as a foreign language at the Department of English and French Philology (University of Cadiz). From 2013 to the present I belong to the research group ‘Teaching foreign languages: materials for a new curriculum design’. I have published eleven book chapters and three journal articles, all closely related to second and foreign language teaching and acquisition.


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How to Cite

Davila-Romero, R., & Kirchhoff, N. (2024). Learning context and German as a foreign language learners’ beliefs. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-662


