An approach to the “itinerant perspective” and hope as an existential driver




itinerant perspective, human rights, epistemology, Sartre, Camus, university, philosophy


Introduction: The purpose of this article is to present the "Itinerant Perspective" as a hermeneutic method for resolving conflicts and situations that undermine human dignity. Methodology: To this end, the epistemological foundations of the "Itinerant Perspective" are developed and its role in the university setting is examined as a conducive environment for its implementation and subsequent dissemination. Results: The aim is to connect different fields of knowledge within the university (moving from one shore to the other) to create responses to the realities of torture endured by the most socially vulnerable. Furthermore, we intend for these transdisciplinary insights developed within the academic setting to be applied in situ to unjust social realities. Discussions: By overcoming the dichotomy between theory and politics, the "Itinerant Perspective" seeks to promote a multifactorial and transdisciplinary analysis of new social realities. Conclusions: Finally, we conclude our exploration by asserting that the "Itinerant Perspective" will enable us to construct an inclusive common lexicon from within the university, guided by, centered on, and aimed at the most vulnerable, requiring the strength of hope as an existential driving force to be applied repeatedly in every situation.


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Author Biographies

María Fernanda Guevara Riera, ESIC University

PhD in Philosophy (UIB, 2016. Cum Laude), Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Sociología (UPNA, 2004. Notable), Magister en Filosofía (USB, 1999. Graduada con Honores), Licenciada en Filosofía (UCAB, 1996). Borsa di studio ‘Ricerca Libera’ at the Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia (Erasmus, 2002-2003). Full-time ANECA-certified PhD Professor at ESIC University. Research and teaching experience focused on practical philosophy, seeking through her research, the real and practical contribution of the disciplines in the construction of a more humane world. She has written academic articles and book chapters in prestigious publishers in different countries.

Rafael Barberá González, ESIC University

PhD in Journalism from the Universidad San Pablo-CEU, a degree in Journalism from the same university and a degree in Law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Accredited as Profesor Contratado Doctor by ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation). Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM and at Esic University, full time. His lines of research focus on political communication, the use of social networks in electoral campaigns in the United States and Europe, and crisis communication management in the field of health. She has published scientific articles and book chapters on these subjects in national and international publishers.


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How to Cite

Guevara Riera, M. F., & Barberá González, R. (2024). An approach to the “itinerant perspective” and hope as an existential driver. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.



Humanism and Social Sciences