The impact of Emotional Technology in the prevention of cyberbullying




cyberbullying, teenagers, emotional technology, artificial intelligence, prevention, education, victim, aggressor


Introduction: Emotional technology has emerged as an essential tool in the prevention of cyberbullying, taking advantage of artificial intelligence to detect, interpret and respond to human emotions in the digital sphere. Methodology: To carry out the objective of this study, a Likert-type questionnaire will be designed for 96 students in the 3rd year of Compulsory Secondary Education. Results: Studies indicate that emotional technology can detect emotional changes and hostile language with high accuracy, allowing for early interventions. Discussion: The implementation of emotional technologies in digital surveillance has been shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of cyberbullying. It allows for faster intervention, and provides valuable data to better understand the emotional dynamics associated with bullying, facilitating the development of more effective educational and prevention programs. Conclusions: Emotional technology represents a significant innovation in the fight against cyberbullying, offering advanced tools for detection, prevention and support to victims. Its integration into digital platforms and educational systems promises to significantly improve the management of cyberbullying, providing a safer and more understanding environment for users.


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Author Biography

Rosa María García Navarro, University of Murcia

PhD in Social Intervention and Mediation (UMU 2017). Degree in Criminology (UMU, 2008). Associate Professor Department of Social Work and Social Services since 2011. Collaborating Professor at the UOC. Member of the Research Group “Luis Olariaga of Social Policy”, since 2011, and various Teaching Innovation Groups. Member of the European Project of Degree in Mediation (LIMEDIAT - Licence Européenne en Médiation pour I'Inclusion Sociale), of the European Union Erasmus+ Program. Accredited to PAD, PCD and Private University Professor. Stays at (Istituto Di Politica University of Perugia (Italy) and Higher School of Economics (Hse) National University of Investigation. Perm (Russia). Social Worker active in the Municipality of Murcia since 2001.


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How to Cite

García Navarro, R. M. (2024). The impact of Emotional Technology in the prevention of cyberbullying. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–22.


