Teamwork in Higher Education: An Analysis from the Students' Perspective




Teamwork, Higher Education, Student Perception, Communication, Planning, Collaboration, Feedback, Formative Assessment


Introduction: The education system has adopted active methodologies that place the student at the centre of the process, highlighting the growing importance of teamwork in higher education. This study investigates the factors that influence the effectiveness of teamwork from the perspective of university students. Methodology: An online questionnaire with 32 items was designed to assess aspects affecting the different phases of teamwork. The sample included 103 pre-service students. Results: The students value positively their participation in the selection of work topics and team members. In addition, they identified communication problems as the main causes of conflicts, disinterest or unequal distribution of tasks. Regarding evaluation, they prefer external evaluation, but demand more formative feedback. Discussions: The findings underline the need for didactic strategies that promote student participation and strengthen communication skills. They also indicate the need to pay more attention to formative assessment approaches. Conclusions: This study concludes with the importance of placing students as an important part in the construction of the didactic process, as well as their training in cooperative skills to improve the effectiveness of teamwork.


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Author Biographies

Jose María Barroso-Tristán, Loyola University Andalusia

Jose María Barroso Tristán holds a PhD in Education from the University of Seville and a PhD in Knowledge Dissemination from the Federal University of Bahia in Brazil. Trained in Pedagogy, his research interests lie in epistemological pluralism and libertarian pedagogy as a foundation and method to address diversity in the classroom so that learning can be adapted to its closest reality. She has been teaching for more than 6 years in various university institutions, both face-to-face and online. His teaching has focused on the field of ICT applied to education, General Didactics and Educational Research, Innovation and Improvement, among other subjects. He currently holds the accreditation of Profesor Contratado Doctor, as well as a six-year research period.

Pilar Gómez-Rey, University of Seville

Pilar Gómez-Rey has an academic background in Social Sciences and Law. She obtained a Diploma in Business Studies and a Degree in Administration and Management at ETEA-Universidad Loyola Andalucía, as well as a Degree in Early Childhood Education at the International University of La Rioja. She also completed the Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the International University of La Rioja and, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, both the Master's Degree and the Doctorate in Education and ICT (e-learning). His scientific experience focuses on the area of Didactics and School Organization and the area of Didactics of Mathematics, with a special focus on technology-mediated environments. With 10 JCR articles and more than 15 conferences, she is currently collaborating in research projects as principal investigator or team member.


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How to Cite

Barroso-Tristán, J. M., & Gómez-Rey, P. (2024). Teamwork in Higher Education: An Analysis from the Students’ Perspective. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14.



Research articles