Histories of Installation art: spatial strategies at the boundaries between architecture and art





installation art, taxonomy, space, manuals, site-specific, site, museum, architecture


Introduction: Installation art is the most influential genre of art in addition to being the only one closely linked to space. Surprisingly, there is very little bibliography aimed at covering this discipline as a whole and only two of these texts are organized into spatial categories. This research proposes an organization of the set of approaches contained in the six main facilities manuals, synthesizing them into a unitary spatial taxonomy. The main objective of this study is to advance the systematization of spatial art as a field of study. Methodology: The methodology used responds to a comparative study of the various primary sources, followed by a systematic analysis of their similarities and differences. Results: The result is the proposal of a grouped taxonomy derived from the two manuals that are articulated around spatial categories. Discussion: The article assesses the capacity of the proposed taxonomy to accommodate the installation categories proposed by the rest of the authors. Conclusions: The main conclusion of the article is that the breadth of approaches and their specificity in the manuals make a systematization very complex, but that the path started here seems to advance towards a systematization of the study of installation art.


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Author Biography

Javier Gomez Chozas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Architect ETSAM (1999), Master in Art, Creation and Research BBAA UCM (2013), Academic Visitor Oxford (2015), Master of Fine Arts Goldsmiths UOL (2018). Academic Coordinator of the Master in Production of Artistic Projects at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). He has been Honorary Collaborator in the Master of Art, Creation and Research at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid (UCM, 2013-2014), taught art courses and workshops at universities such as ETSAM (2012, 2013 and 2022), Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid (2014, 2023), URJC (2019), UNIR (2021) and EDONA UPNA (2022). He shares his work as a teacher with his dedication to art. He published his first essay, ‘El tiempo digital, Narciso narcotizado’, in 2014.


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How to Cite

Gomez Chozas, J. (2024). Histories of Installation art: spatial strategies at the boundaries between architecture and art. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-686



Humanism and Social Sciences