Tourism: A multidimensional agent of impact on 21st-century society


  • Victor Fernando Medina Martínez National Polytechnic Institute image/svg+xml



tourism, humanistic development, tourism epistemology, tourism hermeneutics, complexity, interdisciplinarity, good life, 21st-century society


Introduction: Currently, tourism stands as a discipline whose impact is reflected across various dimensions crucial for the proper development of humanity, making it the primary reason why its epistemic deepening requires attention from academia. Methodology: The main objective is to critically understand the role tourism plays today, employing an interpretative methodology akin to deep and analogical hermeneutics. Results: Tourism is identified as a field of knowledge with, at least, interdisciplinary tendencies, whose objective, epistemological, and functionalist implications are undeniable in the social construction of tomorrow. Discussion: Due to tourism's genetic essence, its role is deepened and interpreted from the perspectives of positivist-quantitative and humanist-qualitative visions regarding its future configuration and potential effects they may entail. Conclusions: The concept of responsible tourism is proposed as a multidimensional factor for growth not only in tangible aspects like economic well-being but also as a means for human self-realization intertwined with ethics, morality, and the good life.


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Author Biography

Victor Fernando Medina Martínez, National Polytechnic Institute

PhD in Architecture and Urbanism Sciences at the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura Unidad Tecamachalco of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Master in Tourism Administration and Innovation, as well as Bachelor in Tourism at the Escuela Superior de Turismo of the IPN. Teacher at undergraduate level and researcher in subjects related to the epistemological development and disciplinary interweaving of the social sciences. He has participated in research projects related to travel, hospitality, leisure, tourism, law and epistemological development, resulting in the authorship of academic and dissemination works as well as in the presentation of papers and various participations in forums oriented towards the aforementioned topics at national and international level.


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How to Cite

Medina Martínez, V. F. (2024). Tourism: A multidimensional agent of impact on 21st-century society. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.



Humanism and Social Sciences