Theoretical approach to digitalization and administrative tools for micro, small and medium-sized businesses




Attributes, Competencies, Development, Digitization, Economy, Entrepreneurs, Administrative processes, Rural


Introduction: In Mexico there are restrictions around digitalization due to the status of our competitive economic components, but there are options to develop to seek to align organizations towards a more digitalized economy regardless of their levels of consolidation of administrative processes and digital maturity, as well as such as its attributes of size, sector or urban or rural location. Methodology: This research has empirical-analytical components, so the research, works, studies, and publications related to the theoretical proposals of business administration at the national level and its characteristics are analyzed, as well as the theoretical approaches on the use and use of digital technology. Results and discussion: It is true that access to information is increasingly easier in terms of autonomous training on digital processes and the benefits that these can bring to companies, however, there are still vulnerable groups of entrepreneurs who are at a lower level. of incipient digital maturity or in some cases in transition. Conclusions: One of the findings in the analysis of the literature is that the economic component of business creation and improvement is directly related to the endogenous development of the territories.


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Author Biographies

Nancy Verónica Sánchez Sulú, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

Public Accountant and Auditor, with a Master's Degree in Management Skills and a PhD in Administration. He is Leader of the Academic Body Accounting, Innovation, Development and Entrepreneurship. She has been working at the Universidad Autónoma del Carmen since 2004. She is the manager of the distance learning degrees and leader of the Entrepreneurship Academy. She has a Desirable Profile PRODEP, as well as the Academic Certification by ANFECA. She participates in the basic academic core of the Master's Degree in Business Management at the Universidad Veracruzana and the Master's Degree in Innovation and Educational Practices. Peer evaluator in various educational bodies, and in refereeing in journals and congresses. His research interests are: entrepreneurship, educational innovation, sustainability, marketing, business management and accounting. Member of several academic and research networks.

Perla Gabriela Baqueiro López, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

Originally from Mexico City, she graduated with a degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Autónoma del Carmen, and completed her Master's degree in Administration and Doctorate in Administration at the Universidad del Sur in Mérida, Yucatan. She is a member of the Academic Body of Accounting, Innovation, Development and Entrepreneurship. From 2010 to 2015 he worked as a professor by hours and since 2016 he is a full time professor at the Universidad Autónoma del Carmen. Leader of the Academy of Organisational Processes at the Universidad Autónoma del Carmen, in Campeche, Mexico. She has the recognition of full-time professors with desirable PRODEP profile and is a Certified Academic in Administration by ANFECA. She is a founding partner of the Síis Popsicle Factory.

Salvador Andrade Ortiz, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad León de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Master in Administration from the Universities of Western Kentucky, Moncton and Autónoma de Querétaro in the trilateral modality. Industrial Engineer from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Mexico. He is a Full Time Professor at the Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad León of the UNAM where he is also currently the Academic Secretary. He is responsible and participant in funded projects to improve teaching and research with various publications on topics related to his lines of research that are oriented to the Digital Economy in MSMEs, networks and value chains of rural enterprises, and business simulators as teaching resources for teaching.

Javier González Durand, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad León de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

He holds a PhD in Education Sciences from the Colegio de Estudios de Posgrados de la Ciudad de México, an MAO and a BA in Administration from the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of the UNAM, as well as Professor ‘B’ of the ENES Leon UNAM, he has also held various administrative positions at the UNAM. His teaching experience includes ‘Business Plan’, ‘Theory and Strategy’, ‘Leadership’ and ‘Strategies for the integration of projects’. Some of his publications are: ‘Universidades en línea, opción abierta para los profesionistas’, ‘Liderazgo’, ‘El poder del cambio’, ‘Nuestros paradigmas empresariales’. He is currently the president of the National Federation of Colleges of Management Graduates, which brings together 38 colleges of management professionals in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Sulú, N. V., Baqueiro López, P. G., Andrade Ortiz, S., & González Durand, J. (2024). Theoretical approach to digitalization and administrative tools for micro, small and medium-sized businesses. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.



Humanism and Social Sciences

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