The echo of centuries: continuity and metamorphosis in modern French and French-speaking literature. The creation of the literary work and its imaginary




literature, modernity, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, symbolism, imagination, surrealism, travel, history


Introduction: There are no watertight compartments in literary periods, nor is there anything that arises spontaneously in the course of years and books; hence, in this periodisation, temporal estuaries have their justification, and exchanges explain the renewal of movements, epochs and generations. Methodology: The cultural-historical context is essential to understanding French and Francophone literature of modernity, it provides a basis for analysing how events and philosophical currents influenced literary creation and the evolution of the literary movements we will analyse. Results: The union of these two periods under the denomination of "modern and contemporary eras" is not forced. The historical overlaps between the 19th and 20th centuries are significant and applicable to the literary framework. Discussions: But what happens in literary time, and what diachronic logic should be applied to these two centuries in Francophone literature? Conclusions: It is clear that the presentation of a succession of styles is not definitive and both the moments of transition and the peculiarities of the complete work or the literary trajectory of a given author require a particular and differentiated treatment.


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Author Biography

Lourdes Terron Barbosa, Catholic University of Louvain

Dr. Lourdes de los Ángeles Terrón Barbosa, Professor of French Philology at the University of Valladolid and Scientific Collaborating Researcher at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, is a leading expert in French Philology and East Asian Studies. With a solid background in French and Classical Philology, she has directed as Principal Investigator different research projects of the MICIU. Government of Spain and has an international research career, focused on travel literature and the reception of the Japanese imaginary in Western literature, especially French-language literature. Author of numerous publications, her work has contributed significantly to the field of French, Belgian, Japanese and comparative literature. In addition, she has been Vice-Dean of International Relations at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Valladolid on three occasions and is currently Coordinator of the Center for Asian Studies at the same University, reinforcing her profile as a renowned researcher.


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How to Cite

Terron Barbosa, L. (2024). The echo of centuries: continuity and metamorphosis in modern French and French-speaking literature. The creation of the literary work and its imaginary. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.



Humanism and Social Sciences