Developing an academic profile of the trainer in the practical training of mathematics teachers: design and validation of an instrument




teacher training, teaching knowledge, practical training, initial teacher training, instrument, trainer academic profile, design, validation


Introduction: The literature reports that professional teacher knowledge and preparation are key points in the training of mathematics teachers. Therefore, this study presents the design and validation process of an instrument that provides information about teacher trainers. Methodology: The research uses a descriptive methodological design, since the instrument investigates the profiles of mathematics teacher trainers. The content validation process is carried out by expert judgment, which allowed the internal consistency of theoretical dimensions, meta-categories and items to be analyzed, using Aiken's V coefficient. Results: Five stages are presented that range from the literature review for the design of the instrument, validation, to the final version of the instrument. Discussion: The discussion considers the implications of the study for the training of mathematics teacher trainers. Conclusions: The study concludes that the developed instrument is a useful tool to evaluate the academic profile of mathematics teacher trainers. Finally, we offer the instrument in its final version to be used in future research, or it can be adapted by researchers for other contexts.


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Author Biographies

Paula Verdugo Hernández, University of Talca

D. in Didactics of Mathematics, dedicated to teaching and research in initial teacher education and mathematics teacher training.

Carolina Henríquez-Rivas, Catholic University of the Maule

D. in Didactics of Mathematics, dedicated to teaching and research in initial teacher education and mathematics teacher training.

Gonzalo Espinoza-Vásquez, Alberto Hurtado University

D. in Didactics of Mathematics, dedicated to teaching and research in initial teacher training, postgraduate and practicing teachers of mathematics.


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How to Cite

Verdugo Hernández, P., Henríquez-Rivas, C., & Espinoza-Vásquez, G. (2024). Developing an academic profile of the trainer in the practical training of mathematics teachers: design and validation of an instrument. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



Research articles