Enhancing Spatial Understanding in Civil Engineering through Active Learning and ICT-Supported Case Studies





active learning, spatial understanding, civil engineering, case studies, geographic information systems (GIS), information and communication technologies, critical thinking, technical skills


Introduction: The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) combined with active learning techniques enhances skills and capabilities in higher education, especially in Civil Engineering. Methodology: To improve spatial perspective understanding and the application of technical knowledge, case studies supported by ICTs (video repositories and specialized applications) were used. Fourth-semester Civil Engineering students in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing course integrated spatial information into case studies. Surveys were conducted to gather students' perceptions of the effectiveness of this methodology. Results: The results showed that students who participated in case studies with spatial data better assimilated the knowledge and demonstrated a greater ability to apply it in practical situations. Discussion: The methodology based on case studies and ICTs not only improves spatial understanding but also fosters deep learning and the development of critical, creative, and communication skills necessary to solve engineering problems. Conclusions: The application of case studies with spatial information integration supported by ICTs prepares future engineers to face complex professional challenges.


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Author Biography

Víctor González-Jaramillo, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

D. in Natural Sciences at the Faculty of Geography, Phillips University / Marburg - Germany. Engineer in Computer Systems and Computing at UTPL. University teacher (UTPL establishment) of the academic components of: Mathematics, Statistics, Programming Language, Composition of scientific texts, Geoinformatics, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. Work experience in: GIS Working Group (2005 - 2009); Department of Geology and Mining and Civil Engineering, Water Resources section (2009 - 2015); Department of Civil Engineering (2015 - present). Director of research projects in the areas related to: teaching, science, technology and use of spatial data. Author and co-author of several scientific and informative texts.


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How to Cite

González-Jaramillo, V. (2024). Enhancing Spatial Understanding in Civil Engineering through Active Learning and ICT-Supported Case Studies. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-699


