The Malaparte house: An Architectural Space in Wonderland




fantasy, interdisciplinary, perception, Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, architecture, surrealism, Malaparte house


Introduction: The Malaparte house is an architectural work known for its enigmatic and surreal character. Similarly, Alice in Wonderland fascinates with its fantastical narrative. This research explores the parallels between the Malaparte house and Carroll's work, highlighting how both challenge the conventions of reality. Methodology: An interdisciplinary methodology is employed, combining architectural, literary, and philosophical analysis. Literature on the Malaparte house and Alice in Wonderland is reviewed, identifying common narrative and aesthetic elements. The comparison focuses on themes such as the distortion of space and time, identity and perception, and fantastical elements. Results: The architecture of the Malaparte house and its location evoke an experience similar to Alice's fantastical world. Both share elements that challenge traditional perceptions of reality. Discussions: Both works use surrealism to question and expand the limits of perception and understanding of the world, showing the mutual influence between architectural design and literary narrative. Conclusions: Both works challenge reality and underscore the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of architecture and literature, suggesting benefits from collaboration between the two fields.


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Author Biography

Laura Sordo Ibáñez, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes

Laura Sordo Ibáñez, an accredited architect and PhD holder with a recognized research track record, has extensive professional and academic experience. She is currently the Director of Doctoral Programs and Coordinator of the Industrial Organization Engineering Degree at the European University Miguel de Cervantes. She has served as Director of the Institutional and Cultural Projection Service and has taught various university courses related to architecture and project management. In addition, she has worked as an architect in her own studio and collaborated on other projects. Laura has multiple publications in international journals and conferences on topics related to architecture and education, and she has advanced training in BIM modeling and project management.


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How to Cite

Sordo Ibáñez, L. (2024). The Malaparte house: An Architectural Space in Wonderland. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.

