The Republic of Plato and the Mu'tazilite State of Baghdad: When the Logic of the Third Space is Missing




hermeneutics, humanism, interpretative tyranny, reason, power, problématology, propositionalism, third space


Introduction: Our study critiques propositionalism and its impact on the relationship between humanism and power, by neglecting intermediate nuances and imposing a rigid structure. Methodology: To understand the influence of propositionalism on Plato and the Mutazilites, we analyzed philosophical and historical texts, highlighting the limits of formal logic Results: Our findings show that freeing humanism from propositionalism requires a third logical space. Discussions: The results critique propositionalism for its rigid impact, limiting interpretation. Conclusions: Our study illustrates how this approach has restricted interpretive plurality in Plato's Republic and the Mutazilite State. 


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Author Biography

Mohamed el Mouden el Mouden, University of Cádiz

Is an Assistant Professor at the University of Cádiz, specializing in Arabic and Islamic Studies within the Department of Philology. He coordinated the book The Arab and Islamic World and the West: Challenges in Constructing Knowledge about the Other in 2022. His academic contributions include 12 book chapters, 9 books, 8 articles, and 5 conference presentations. He also participated in the project Trust versus Distrust towards Rulers in Latin and Vernacular Andalusian Texts from the Renaissance to the Present, which was completed in 2023.


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How to Cite

el Mouden el Mouden, M. (2024). The Republic of Plato and the Mu’tazilite State of Baghdad: When the Logic of the Third Space is Missing. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.

