Misleading advertising in the news of digital media in Lima and user perceptions





regulation, types of advertising, professional image, false information, heterogeneous speech, digital media, affectation to user, false advertising


Introduction: Digital media disseminates the issue of misleading advertising that affects consumers, and channels users' reactions to this problem. This article analyzes the discourse on misleading advertising in media such as El Comercio, La República, and El Peruano from 2022 to 2024. Methodology: The analysis is based on news published in these media outlets, categorizing the information into various areas: use of professional images in visual health promotion, sports like the Qatar 2022 World Cup, cleaning products, food, environmental care, and influencer advertising. Results: The media has shown that misleading advertising affects different sectors, spreading false information about services and products. Users express their perceptions of the actions taken by authorities and advertising companies, highlighting their dissatisfaction. Discussion: Users demand that authorities sanction infringing companies, and they also use satirical language on social media to express their discontent over the lack of effective action. Conclusions: It is concluded that the media highlights the issue of misleading advertising, revealing how consumers' right to receive objective information is violated. Users insist on sanctions and greater protection of their rights.


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Author Biography

Hugo González, Autonomous University of Peru

Professor and lawyer. PhD in Educational and Tutoring Psychology. Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Spanish and Latin American Literature from the University of Barcelona. Experience in research and university teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Lecturer at the Autonomous University of Peru and the National University of San Marcos. He served as Director of Research at UA (2008-2013). He was a member of the Detector Club of the Fundación del Español Urgente. He has participated as a speaker at national and international conferences, including the "International Congress on Law Teaching and Legal Research Methodology" at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2019-2023). He has published manuscripts in journals indexed in Scopus and WOS.


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How to Cite

González, H. (2024). Misleading advertising in the news of digital media in Lima and user perceptions. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–27. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-710

