Improving skills through the comparation of inclusion and equity in Mexical and Spanish schools




Education, Inclusion, Comparative Education, Higher Education, Service-Learning, Competencies, COIL, Barriers to learning


Introduction: Our work shows qualitative research, through a university educational experience, analysing the state of inclusion and equity in Spain and Mexico. Methodology: The aim was to determine the barriers to learning and participation (BAP) and to improve the competences of Education students. A qualitative documentary analysis of inclusive and equitable information from Mexico and Spain and expert focus groups were developed. Participants were a non-random sample of 72 education students from CEU Cardenal Herrera University and the University of Monterrey (UDEM), and 12 pre-school and primary school teachers. Results: There are slight differences between the BAP for inclusion and equity in Spain and Mexico, still existing in schools. It is determined that the level of didactic training and practical application in the classroom does not respond to the BAP, but work is being done to reduce them by means of new policies and resources. Discussion: The objectives are achieved, showing how BAPs for inclusion and equity require a global response, guaranteeing equal opportunities for all people. Conclusions: Proposals for improvement are included and the need for differential pedagogy for the elimination of BAP is established.


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Author Biography

Nuria Andreu-Ato, Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU

She holds a degree in Pedagogy from the University of Murcia and is an Expert in Speech Therapy Intervention: Language and Hearing Disorders, certified by the University of Alcalá de Henares. She holds a PhD in Educational Sciences. Currently, she works as an associate professor in the Department of Educational Sciences at CEU Cardenal Herrera University. She has been accredited by AVAP for the positions of assistant professor and associate professor since July 2023. She is a member of the research group GIUV2015-218 "Teaching and Acquisition of Solidarity and Intercultural Competencies through Languages and Literature." She is also responsible for the micro-credential in Volunteering and Ethical Commitment and coordinates the university's own program for the University Diploma in Professional Tools for Teachers.


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How to Cite

Andreu-Ato, N. (2024). Improving skills through the comparation of inclusion and equity in Mexical and Spanish schools. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.

