Attitudes of early childhood educators to deal with emotional crisis situations of children with autism




Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), teacher training, emotional crises, educational strategies, educational inclusion, professional development, teaching collaboration, specialized support


Introduction: The lack of knowledge and methodological strategies to address emotional crises in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a problem identified by educators in educational centers. This study has two main objectives: to identify the attitudes of early childhood educators regarding their training to manage emotional crises in children with ASD and to determine the specific areas in which they perceive strengths or weaknesses in their preparation. Methodology: The research was quantitative and exploratory, with a non-probabilistic sample of 40 early childhood educators from the metropolitan region who work or have worked with children diagnosed with autism. Results: Early childhood educators feel an urgent need to improve their training and support in the management of children with ASD along with the need for specific tools for learning and managing emotional crises in these children. Discussions: 95% want advice from experts and 85% collaborate with other teachers. These figures reveal deficiencies in their initial training and access to specialized resources. Conclusions: It is crucial that educational institutions implement professional development programs and provide adequate resources to improve the preparation and continuous support of educators.


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Author Biography

Camila Aqueveque-Muñoz, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins

Early childhood educator with a specialization in inclusive education and a degree in education from Universidad Central, with over 10 years of experience in early childhood education. Since 2019, she has focused on arts education, earning a Master's in Art and Education and a postgraduate degree in Arts Education with a specialization in Visual Arts (2017). Recognized for her teaching work, she obtained a degree in Teaching and Educational Quality with a specialization in research (2019) and a Master's in Higher Education Teaching (2021). She has taught courses in higher education, worked as an academic director, and served as an evaluator for MIDE UC. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Education at Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins and is in charge of the practicum program in early childhood education at Universidad Finis Terrae.


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How to Cite

Aqueveque-Muñoz, C. (2024). Attitudes of early childhood educators to deal with emotional crisis situations of children with autism. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.



Research articles