Punk biographical narratives in Latin America and their connection to authoritarian periods





biography, narratives, punk, Latin America, culture, violence, dictatorship, fragmentary


Introduction: This article analyzes Latin American punk biographical discourses, focusing on their relationship with periods of violence and authoritarianism, especially the remnants of dictatorial periods. Methodology: A comparative analysis of three punk biographical works from Argentina, Peru, and Chile: “Uno, dos, Ultraviolento: la historia de Los Violadores,” “Kloaka y los Subterráneos: el instinto de vivir,” and “NN: recuerdos de un amigo del caos.” A semiotic textual analysis is used, considering the presence of violence, the themes addressed, and the narrative decisions within the texts. Results: The three biographical works analyzed contain a variety of genres and narrative influences, combining traditional biographical elements with narrative and stylistic decisions that challenge this structure, notable for their fragmentariness. Discussions: The works reflect the essence of punk by incorporating politics, art, memory, action, and disruptive culture. Similar to fanzines, graphic art, and punk songs, they present complex messages that transcend biographies. Conclusions: The fragmentariness and the departure from the "hero's journey" are highlighted, showing how violence and authoritarian structures influence these narratives. It is suggested to expand future research to more works and territories.


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Author Biography

Simón Pérez Seballos, University of Santiago Chile

D. Candidate in American Studies, mention in Thought and Culture, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) scholarship holder for National Doctorate studies (Chile). Journalist and Bachelor in Social Communication from the University of Santiago de Chile and Master in Political Communication from the University of Chile (Conicyt Fellow). He has literary (short stories, micro-stories) and academic awards. In addition, he has published scientific papers on communication, youth, culture and politics, and has participated in seminars and international conferences in Argentina, Italy and Mexico. Professional experience as a teacher in Strategic Communication and Political Marketing, in addition to 10 years of professional experience in Strategic and Institutional Communication, science communication, culture and media outreach. simon.perezse@usach.cl


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How to Cite

Pérez Seballos, S. (2024). Punk biographical narratives in Latin America and their connection to authoritarian periods. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-727



Humanism and Social Sciences