Analysis of sensory processing perception and its rela-tionship to adaptive behaviour in adolescents with Au-tism Spectrum Disorder grade 1




Autistic Spectrum Disorder, sensory processing, adaptive behaviour, sensory hyporereactivity, self-perception, neurodevelopmental disorder, communication and social interaction, sensory integration


Introduction: Previous research indicates that atypical sensory processing is common in people with ASD and has a significant impact on their adaptive behavioural skills. This study aims to describe young people's perception of their sensory processing and to analyse how it relates to their adaptive behaviour. Methodology: The sample included eight young people aged 12-14 years (four with ASD grade 1 and four with typical development). The AQA, ASSQ and ASSQ-GIRL tests were used to compare autism screening results between the two groups. The analysis was performed with non-parametric statistics using SPSS v22.0 and the Mann-Whitney U statistical technique. Results: Adolescents with ASD grade 1 perceive sensations in an atypical way compared to the control group. Differences focused on low register, sensory seeking, sensory sensitivity and sensory avoidance, with sensory avoidance and sensory seeking being significant. Discussions: The study corroborates that adolescents with ASD present atypical sensory processing that impacts their adaptive behaviour, showing increased sensory sensitivity and sensory avoidance behaviours. Conclusions: These results highlight the importance of this factor in the assessment and treatment of ASD to improve quality of life.


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Author Biographies

Segovia Encinas Laura, Open University of Catalonia

Degree in Occupational Therapy from the EUIT, a center attached to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Master in learning and language difficulties with mention in developmental disorders by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Specialization in Sensory Integration by the University of Southern California and the University of Liverpool. SIPT certification by the University of Southern California and WPS with practical internship in early care. Psychology student at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Director and occupational therapist at Set Sentits child therapy center.

Mónica Belda Torrijos, Open University of Catalonia

PhD in Applied Linguistics from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Accreditation to the body of Full Professor by ANECA. She currently works at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University as an assistant professor and collaborates with the UOC. His research and professional career revolves around Applied Linguistics. He has published several articles, book chapters and books and participates in symposia, conferences and other events at national and international level. In addition to his experience, he has participated in numerous research activities and his research stay at the Royal Spanish Academy in Madrid (RAE). He has a six-year research period recognized by the Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora (CNEAI).

Cristina Mumbardó Adam, University of Barcelona

Department of Cognition, Development and Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona. D. in Psychology from Ramon Llull University, psychologist and speech therapist. She is currently a doctoral assistant at the University of Barcelona where she teaches undergraduate and master's degree courses. Her field of research lies in the evaluation and improvement of the quality of life of children and adolescents with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and autism in their different life contexts. She has been a visiting researcher at the University of Kansas. She is co-author of scientific articles of impact in JCR journals in the field of quality of life in people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, family context and autism.

Alberto Sánchez Pedroche, Open University of Catalonia

Teacher specialized in Special Education and graduated in psycho-pedagogy by the Universi-tat de Barcelona. Diploma in speech therapy from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Official master's degree in inclusive education from the Universitat de les Illes Balears and in learning difficulties and language disorders from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Therapist in auditory stimulation Johansen and doctoral student in education at the UIB. PDI-Associate at the UIB and collaborator of the consolidated research group of the IRIE 'Research in development, education and language' (I+DEL). Pedagogical therapist at the school Mare de Deu de les Neus (Sant Jordi de ses Salines) and collaborating professor at the UOC.


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How to Cite

Laura, S. E., Belda Torrijos, M., Mumbardó Adam, C., & Sánchez Pedroche, A. (2024). Analysis of sensory processing perception and its rela-tionship to adaptive behaviour in adolescents with Au-tism Spectrum Disorder grade 1. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–22.


