Comparison of the Education Practicum between Spain and Colombia. Case Study: 'Long live the school', service-learning in rural schools




education, university students, educational practices, regulations, rural school, service-learning, volunteering, comparative research


Introduction: The Education Practicum can be enhanced by adopting a service-learning strategy, serving as a bridge between the best practices of university students and rural schools. Methodology: A mixed-methods approach was used, combining document analysis, quantitative data, and qualitative methods (interviews and case studies), providing a robust and holistic evaluation of the "Viva la Escuela" program. Results: The program is supported by a broad legislative framework; the participation of rural educational institutions, universities, and teacher training colleges is very significant, with both students and faculty expressing positive outcomes. Discussion: "Viva la Escuela" demonstrates that immersions in rural communities improved teacher training and personal growth for the participants, benefiting educational institutions with new pedagogical strategies and fostering appreciation of family contexts and deep learning. Conclusions: The program exemplifies how the Practicum course can be transformed in Education Universities. This model, tailored to contextual needs, can offer strategies and programs to channel the social commitment for which many young people are willing and prepared.


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Author Biographies

Diego Alejandro Chaves Obando, Technological University of Pereira

Graduate in Ethnoeducation, Mg(c) in Childhood. Professional of the Faculty of Education Sciences. Area of ​​Curricular Management and Practices. Technological University of Pereira. Member of the Education and Human Development Research Group, researcher of social extension projects and research in the lines of educational practices, early childhood education and diversity and interculturality. Author of book chapters such as: Reconstructing history from within: A significant experience in the city of Pereira, Risaralda-San Isidro, Puerto Caldas (2020); Agroecology and Own Knowledge: Educational Practices in two diverse rural contexts as an expression of Possible Educations (2023); The Experience: Reflecting from doing Agroecology and Own Knowledge (2024).

Purificación Cruz Cruz, University of Castilla-La Mancha

PhD in Psychopedagogy. Early Childhood Education Teacher. Permanent Doctorate Professor at the Faculty of Education of Toledo. Didactics and School Organization Area. University of Castilla-La Mancha. Professor of the Degrees in Primary and Early Childhood Education. Professor of the Master's Degree in Secondary Education. Professor of the Master's Degree in Neurocreativity at the University of Córdoba. 1 six-year period of research and 1 five-year period. Member of numerous projects of innovation and teaching improvement and research projects at regional and national level. Author of numerous books, book chapters and indexed articles. Collaborating researcher at the Uninorte University of Barranquilla (Colombia), Technological University of Pereira (Colombia), Autonomous University of Zacatecas (Mexico) and University of Guadalajara (Mexico). Lecturer and keynote speaker at numerous international conferences.

Cecilia Luca Escobar Vekeman, Technological University of Pereira

Anthropologist and graduate in Social Sciences. PhD in Political and Social Sciences. Free University of Brussels. Professor of the degrees of Bachelor in Ethnoeducation and Bachelor in Social Sciences, and of the Masters in Education, in Educational Communication, in Childhood, Technological University of Pereira. Professional of Human and Social Sciences, committed to university teaching in different higher education institutions in the Colombian coffee axis, in the field of education and public health. Author of books such as: Bringing us closer to other possible worlds: Formative research in knowledge, doing and knowing how to do (2023) and Bringing us closer to other possible worlds: The systematization of experiences, views from the South (2023).


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How to Cite

Chaves Obando, D. A., Cruz Cruz, P., & Escobar Vekeman, C. L. (2024). Comparison of the Education Practicum between Spain and Colombia. Case Study: ’Long live the school’, service-learning in rural schools. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.



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