Results of the institutionalization of the blended learning modality in Management students




programs, process, learning, mixed modality, distance education, institutionalization, terminal efficiency


Introduction: The incorporation of distance communication technologies for teaching accelerated with the confinement due to the pandemic, which gave rise to a series of institutional programs at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana that aimed to improve the academic career of students, so the objective of this paper is to analyze the results of these programs reflected in the terminal efficiency, evaluations and perspectives of students in the PROPAE also considering the opinion of teachers at this university. Methodology: Institutional reports of PROPAE were reviewed and surveys of students and academic staff of UAM were also considered, which were compared with data from a Likert scale survey of students of Administration at UAM Azcapotzalco. Results: Before starting PROPAE, of the teachers and students surveyed, 67.32 and 95.36 percent respectively chose to return to mixed classes. Discussion: Once the program was implemented and institutionalized, both students and teachers said they felt benefited with the results obtained. Conclusions: The results reflect that terminal efficiency decreased, failing grades increased and, nevertheless, student and faculty perspectives are optimistic in mixed modality.


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Author Biography

Salvador De León Jiménez, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Bachelor's Degree in Economics, School of Economics, UNAM; Diploma in Telematic Systems, ITAM; Master's Degree in Computer Science, Arturo Rosenblueth Foundation; Doctorate in Organizational Studies, UAM-Iztapalapa; Consultant and Certified Communicator in Semiology of Everyday Life, College of Consultants and Communicators in SVC. Since 1989, Professor-Researcher of the Department of Administration, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Unidad Azcapotzalco, with different university management positions. He has taught at Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate levels; Advisor of Thesis and Dissertations in different academic degrees. The lines of research developed are Administrative Informatics, Distance Education, Industry 4.0 and metacognition, personal and organizational semiology. Metacognition and cognitive processes. Various international publications and participation in national and international congresses and colloquia.


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How to Cite

Zarazúa Vilchis, J. L., & De León Jiménez, S. (2024). Results of the institutionalization of the blended learning modality in Management students. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.


