Humanization of care in gynecology and obstetrics




holistic nursing, health personnel attitud, health communication, humanization, Ecuador, professional competencies, human skills, ethics


Introduction: The objective of the study was to know the humanized treatment perceived by the users of the gynecological-obstetric service of a public hospital in southern Ecuador and to analyze differences in the perception of obstetric vs. gynecological patients, as a function of sociodemographic variables. Methodology: Quantitative cross-sectional analytical observational research was used to evaluate the dimensions of care. For this purpose, the Humanized Care Perception Scale was applied to 309 patients attended in the gynecology and obstetrics service. Results: There was a statistically significant correlation between the spirituality dimension and age in gynecological (p= 0.0536) and obstetric (p= 0.0530) patients. The correlation of the other dimensions studied with respect to age and schooling was not statistically significant. The differentiation of care dimension obtained an optimal evaluation in gynecological patients with 51.6%. Discussion: The findings, as in other studies, show little humanized care during nursing care. Conclusion: Nursing care in the gynecology and obstetrics service was perceived by the users as deficient and unacceptable in most of the dimensions studied; only the spirituality and differentiation of care dimension was rated as optimal. 


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Author Biographies

Dayana Jamileth Espinoza Vidal, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Student in Nursing, with training in the School of Leadership UTPL and academic certification of II International Congress of Nursing called “New scientific perspectives of care in the transdisciplinary XXI century” and I Congress of Nursing called “Critical care, emergency and urgency”.

Verónica López Lojan, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Bachelor in Nursing, Master in Health Management for Local Development. Experience. Professor in nursing careers, professor in postgraduate courses. Author of books and scientific articles in indexed journals. Nurse with experience in clinical and community areas.

Cristina Elisabeth Urgilés-Barahona, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Master in Health Research, Bachelor in Nursing. Lecturer in undergraduate and graduate higher education. Responsible for Degree Units in health careers. Nurse with experience in primary care, hospital care and management functions.

Meri Isabel Ordóñez Sigcho , Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Master in health management, Bachelor in Nursing, Doctor in Jurisprudence, Lawyer, Bachelor in social, political and economic sciences. Tenured professor at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, director of the Nursing career from 2018 to 2022, professor of the Nursing career at the Universidad Nacional de Loja for 5 years, author of Nursing books and scientific articles, responsible for the Sembrando Salud linkage project, member of the research group Nursing, realities and contexts. Co-author of the Hymn of the Nursing career at UTPL. Responsible for teaching innovation projects and good practices at UTPL.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Vidal, D. J., López Lojan, V., Urgilés-Barahona, C. E., & Ordóñez Sigcho , M. I. (2024). Humanization of care in gynecology and obstetrics. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.



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