Mathematics classes in schools in the post-Covid-19 pandemic: a case study




Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, textbooks, Materials, Mathematics, Post-covid, inclusive mathematics education, student teachers, curricular internships


Introduction: post-Covid-19 pandemic classes posed a significant challenge for schools, with teachers adapting to virtual, hybrid, and in-person environments, emphasizing flexibility, creativity, and socio-emotional support. Methodology: This study focuses on the perspective of students from the Primary and Early Childhood Education Degree at the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón regarding the materials used to teach mathematics during three post-pandemic courses. An expert-reviewed questionnaire was used, completed by 135 students in 2020/2021, 99 in 2021/2022, and 30 in 2022/2023. The results were analyzed using SPSS for quantitative analysis and QCAmap for qualitative analysis. Results: In the 2020/2021 academic year, textbook use was significant at both educational levels, preferred for its convenience in session preparation, curriculum alignment, and knowledge reinforcement. However, in 2021/2022 and 2022/2023, its use decreased, especially in Earl. Conclusions: According to the students, there were no significant changes in the classrooms of Castellón post-Covid-19 pandemic.


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Author Biographies

María Santágueda-Villanueva, Jaume I University

María Santágueda Villanueva, with a degree in Mathematics and a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Valencia, is a Permanent Professor in the Department of Education and Specific Didactics at the Universitat Jaume I. She coordinates the internships for the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education, and her research focuses on the history of Mathematics Education, teaching innovation, and active methodologies, including the analysis of school encyclopedias and the use of school gardens as an educational innovation. She teaches in the Bachelor's degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education in subjects related to Mathematics Didactics and supervises undergraduate and master's theses in the Master's in Secondary Education, specializing in Mathematics.

María T. Sanz, University of Valencia

María Teresa Sanz holds a PhD in Mathematics, specializing in dynamic models to solve social problems. She earned her degree in Mathematics from the University of Valencia and completed her PhD in 2012 at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She was a collaborating professor at CEU Cardenal Herrera University and is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Valencia, in the Department of Mathematics Didactics. She directed the Acadèmia Centre d'Estudis, focused on youth education. Her research covers demography, sociology, education, and healthcare, developing mathematical models to solve real-world problems. Since 2016, she has focused on mathematics education, collaborating with national and international researchers and publishing in prestigious scientific journals.

Emilia López-Iñesta, University of Valencia

Emilia López-Iñesta holds a degree in Mathematics and Statistical Sciences and Techniques, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Valencia (UV). She has been recognized with awards such as the Very Young Scientists 2019 and the Marc Esteva Award for the best thesis in Artificial Intelligence in 2018. She is a professor in the Department of Mathematics Didactics at UV and collaborates with the Higher Technical School of Engineering at UV. She has conducted research stays in Mexico and Italy. With more than 20 publications in prestigious journals, her research focuses on the understanding of mathematical problems and Artificial Intelligence in education, as well as gender diversity in ICT and STEM. She is also a Scientix ambassador.


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How to Cite

Santágueda-Villanueva, M., Sanz, M. T., & López-Iñesta, E. (2024). Mathematics classes in schools in the post-Covid-19 pandemic: a case study. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.




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