The television series Detective Touré as an example of non-racialised characters in public television and their effective social responsibility




racialisation, ethnicism, Detective Touré, audiovisual, Corporate Social Responsibility, public television, General Law on Audiovisual Communication, interpretation


Introduction: The protagonists of audiovisual fictions should reflect the multiracial society in which they are produced, avoiding the racialisation of the characters. In this sense, the series Detective Touré (2024), produced by the Spanish and Basque public television channels, has become a milestone in the Spanish audiovisual industry by making a character of colour as the protagonist. Methodology: The series Detective Touré is analysed, as well as the evolution of the presence of non-Caucasian actors in feature films nominated for the Goya Awards since its inception. Results: The series studied exemplifies the long way to go for the audiovisual to integrate all the ethnic groups that make up the Spanish citizens, as well as showing the scarce recognition and inclusion of representative characters in Spanish cinema. Discussion: Audiovisual production, particularly that generated by public television, must avoid simplifying the discourse on the immigrant population in order to comply with the law and its Corporate Social Responsibility objectives. Conclusions: Innovative proposals such as the series Detective Touré have an impact on the necessary evolution of the design of audiovisual characters to reflect the Spanish social reality, showing the existing historical shortcomings in this regard.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Aguilar Conde, University of Burgos

PhD in Economics from the University of Burgos. Degree in Business Sciences from the University of the Basque Country. Degree in Law from the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Graduate in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Professor at the University of Burgos in the Department of Economics and Business Administration, specializing in financial economics and accounting since 1994. His multidisciplinary research is related to management accounting, human resources, corporate social responsibility, and business communication. He has over 20 years of professional experience in business accounting and taxation. AECA-accredited accounting expert.

Basilio Cantalapiedra Nieto, University of Burgos

PhD from the University of Burgos and graduate in Economics and Business Administration. He holds a degree in Film Production from the first graduating class of ECAM (School of Cinematography of the Community of Madrid). Associate Professor in the Audiovisual Communication Department at the University of Burgos. Director of the Antonio Giménez-Rico Film Chair at the same university. Member of the Research Group on Performances and Audiovisual Culture (ECA). He teaches in the Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Communication and the Master's in Communication and Multimedia Development at the University of Burgos. His professional career has been in the field of film production.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Conde, P., & Cantalapiedra Nieto, B. (2024). The television series Detective Touré as an example of non-racialised characters in public television and their effective social responsibility. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.


