Learning English beyond the classroom: benefits of linguistic immersions in anglophone countries for Secondary and High School students





short stay abroad, English as a foreign language, social skills, multiculturality, internationalization, Secondary, High School, anglophone countries


Introduction: We live in a diverse and multicultural environment, where the importance of learning and mastering several languages lies not only in the ability to communicate, but also in understanding and respecting other cultures. This social reality demands that secondary schools offer short stays abroad to complement the process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Methodology: This study examines, through a mixed and descriptive methodology, both linguistic and social benefits in a large sample of Secondary and Baccalaureate students who participated in a short-stay language immersion programme in different English-speaking countries. Results: The main findings confirm that language stays abroad enhance both the learning of English and the acquisition of socio-cultural competences, which are fundamental for educating European citizens. Conclusions: Research, based on students‘ perceptions, shows that experiences abroad not only improve participants’ language skills, but also their social skills, providing new perspectives on the multicultural world.


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Author Biography

David Ruiz Hidalgo, Universidad de Burgos

PhD in Education with the thesis "Active Methodologies and CLIL: Application of ICT in the Teaching and Learning of the English Language in Integrated Social, Curricular, and Training Contexts." Master's in Educational Innovation and Research. Specialist Teacher in English and Early Childhood Education. Expert in CLIL and in Educational Center Management and Leadership. Professor in the Department of Specific Didactics at the Faculty of Education of Burgos. Extensive teaching experience across all educational stages as a bilingual teacher and professor. Researcher in the field of English Didactics as a foreign language in both formal curricula and non-formal education, with numerous oral presentations at national and international conferences, as well as publications in specialized journals.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Hidalgo, D. (2024). Learning English beyond the classroom: benefits of linguistic immersions in anglophone countries for Secondary and High School students. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-754



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