Prácticas de cuidado materno al infante

Maternal infant care practices




Care, maternal, less than two years old, prevalence, security, physical, falls, practices


Introduction: The study analyzes maternal care practices for infants under two years of age in health centers in Ecuador, focusing on physical safety. Methodology: A quantitative, analytical, and cross-sectional study was conducted with 384 mothers selected through intentional sampling. A validated instrument was used with 35 questions on demographic data and physical safety aspects. Statistical analysis included descriptive and inferential methods using Jamovi®. Results: Significant differences were found in care practices according to the mothers' age, educational level, and area of residence. Falls were the most common accident (59.7%). High levels of care were observed in areas such as supervision and burn prevention but low in transportation safety. Discussion: The findings show the influence of demographic factors on childcare practices. Implications for the design of specific educational interventions are highlighted. Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of considering demographic variables in designing child health education and promotion programs, suggesting the need for interventions adapted to different maternal profiles.


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Author Biographies

María Mercedes Carpio Coronel, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Nursing student at the Technical University of Loja, Ecuador. Currently in the final cycle of pre-professional practice. She works as a Rotating Intern Nurse at Isidro Ayora Hospital and Health Centers in the city of Loja, Ecuador. She has over 200 hours of academic and research training. Novice researcher.

Briggette Mayli Moreira-Maza, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Nursing student at the Technical University of Loja, Ecuador. Currently in the final cycle of pre-professional practice. She works as a Rotating Intern Nurse at Isidro Ayora Hospital and Health Centers in the city of Loja, Ecuador. With over 200 hours of academic and research training. Novice researcher.

Ángela María Quintero de Contreras, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Bachelor's degree in Nursing, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela. Master's in Health and Reproductive Nursing, Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela. Three years, Public Health Nurse at the MSP, Venezuela. Eleven years Operative Nurse in Medium-Risk Pediatric and Neonatology Hospitalization, Dr. Tulio Carnevali Salvatierra Hospital of the IVSS, Venezuela. Teaching experience since 2019 UCACUE, Nursing Degree, Cañar Extension. Teacher, researcher, and international speaker. Author of books and scientific articles in indexed journals. Professor of the Nursing Degree at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) since 2021 and the Chair of Child and Adolescent Nursing from 2022 to the present. Coordinator of the Research Group: Nursing, Contexts and Realities of the UTPL.

José Ivo Contreras, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela. Master of Public Health, University of South Florida, USA. Doctor of Science in Nursing, Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela, and Postdoctoral in Education, Technology and Research, Universidad de Oriente, Mexico. Currently, Director of the Nursing Program, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador. Includes over 20 years of academic and research experience and over 2,500 certified hours of continuing academic training. He has published over 25 articles in indexed journals, books, and chapters. His areas of specialization include research, accreditation, interculturality, and community service. He has led research and outreach projects with social impact. An active member of research networks. His work integrates teaching, research, and community outreach. Research Group: Nursing, contexts, and realities.


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How to Cite

Carpio Coronel, M. M., Moreira-Maza, B. M., Quintero de Contreras, Ángela M., & Contreras, J. I. (2024). Prácticas de cuidado materno al infante: Maternal infant care practices. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.



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