Access to Justice for Priority Groups: An Evaluation of the Results from the Support Center at San Gregorio University of Portoviejo




Support Center, Legal Clinic, Public Defender's Office, Human Rights, Priority Attention Groups, Free Legal Advice, University Social Responsibility, Access to Justice


Introduction: The Support Center for Priority Attention Groups of the Free Legal Clinic at the Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo focuses on providing legal advice and free legal representation to vulnerable groups. Its primary goal is to ensure access to justice and the protection of the rights of these groups. Methodology: The study employs a quantitative approach, based on data collected by the Support Center and reports submitted to the Public Defender's Office. The activities analyzed include legal advice, legal representation, case tracking, file management, and court appearances. Results: Since its opening in May 2022 until April 2024, the Center has shown significant growth in its operations. In 2023, it served 556 users, compared to 99 in 2022. The most common cases were child abuse (57.4%), violence against women (35.7%), immigration registration (5.9%), and elder abuse (1.8%). Additionally, the Center demonstrated a high level of effectiveness, with 65.3% favorable rulings in 2023 and only 2.2% unfavorable. Discussion:
These results highlight the effectiveness of the Center in providing legal services to vulnerable groups. The growth in the number of users served and the high percentage of favorable rulings reflect the importance and impact of the Center within the community. Conclusions: The findings underscore the need to continue and expand the Center's operations to further ensure the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups. The demonstrated effectiveness in rulings suggests that the Center plays a crucial role in providing access to justice for these populations.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Madelaine Vera Mendoza , Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo

Master in Human Rights, Peace and Sustainable Development from the University of Valencia, Spain, Diploma in Public Policy Design from the Austral University of Argentina, PhD candidate in Law, Sustainability and Peace in the post-global era. Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador by the Universidad Central del Ecuador, Professor at the Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo. Coordinator of the Support Center for Priority Attention Groups of the Free Legal Clinic of the USGP. Former official of the Metropolitan Agency of Control of the Metropolitan District of Quito. Former Tax Prosecutor at the Internal Revenue Service. Provincial Director of Manabí of the National Agency of Regulation of Land Transportation, Transit and Road Safety.

Gyomar Beatriz Pérez Cobo, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo

Doctor in Law, Universidad del Zulia. Master in Criminal and Criminological Sciences, Universidad del Zulia. Specialist in Criminal Law, Universidad Santa María. Specialist in Research Methodology, Universidad Rafael Urdaneta. I Intensive Postgraduate Course. Penal System. Fundamental Issues and Current Problems. Diploma in Constitutional Law. Diploma in Advanced Studies in Family and Child Law. Lawyer. Professor in the category Titular of the Faculty of Juridical and Political Sciences of the Universidad del Zulia (1999- 2018). Professor in the Titular category of Law at the Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo of Ecuador (2018-2023). Public Defender for the Adolescent Criminal Responsibility System (2000- 2016). Founding Member of the Autonomous System of Public Defense in Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Vera Mendoza , C. M., & Pérez Cobo, G. B. (2024). Access to Justice for Priority Groups: An Evaluation of the Results from the Support Center at San Gregorio University of Portoviejo. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.

