Happiness and work: an approach from neuroscience





happiness, work, neuroscience, emotions, resilience, well-being, management, productivity


Introduction: Beyond the definitions of happiness at work as an abstract construct, it is possible to create well-being work environments. This work shows the theoretical approaches to well-being, together with neuroscience research applied to happiness at work. Methodology: Through a qualitative approach, work that relates happiness, well-being, resilience and neuroscience is consolidated. Results: Happiness is a psychological state influenced by a series of determining elements in the type of work environment. Discussions: The challenge for companies is to adapt to the new paradigm at work. Conclusions: The need to develop new skills related to happiness at work is evident.


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Author Biography

Helena López-Casares Pertusa, Universidad Europea de Madrid

She holds a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience of Organizations from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. She is the director of the Department of Economics, Business and International Relations at the European University of Madrid. A principal researcher in neuroscience, economic humanism and leadership, she has combined her teaching activity with positions of responsibility in the strategic area of ​​marketing, communication, institutional relations and organizational consulting in information technology companies.


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How to Cite

López-Casares Pertusa, H. (2024). Happiness and work: an approach from neuroscience. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-785



Humanism and Social Sciences