Artificial Intelligence: a reality in Copyright Law




Artificial Intelligence, Copyright, Moral Rights, Ecuadorian Legislation, Unpublished works, Intellectual Property, Social Responsibility, Technology


Introduction: The article examines the protection of works generated by artificial intelligence (AI) under copyright law, considering traditional intellectual property, social responsibility and moral rights. Its objective is to evaluate the adequacy of current Ecuadorian intellectual property legislation in the face of the challenges of the AI era, identifying legal problems and challenges in the resolution of copyright and intellectual property conflicts. In particular, it highlights the legal gaps in Ecuadorian legislation in the face of technological advances and the need to protect individual and collective rights in the recognition of copyright. Methodology: The qualitative methodology used includes bibliographic, documentary, synthetic, deductive and historical methods to understand the legal scope of copyright and differentiate it from AI, evaluating its commercial value in reproduction. Results: The main results of the research identify emerging legal challenges in copyright protection in the technological context and offer recommendations on the regulation needed to protect these rights in the social environment. Conclusions:  Ecuadorian legislation must seek a balance between copyright protection and creativity and innovation.


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Author Biographies

Alba Miranda, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica

Systems Engineer, Master in Education from Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Master in Computer Management from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Full-time professor at the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Political Sciences, Law School of the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica in exact sciences.

Clara Daniela Romero Romero, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica

Full-time professor at Universidad Indoamérica. Bachelor in Political Science from the University of Cuenca, Master in Constitutional Law from the University of Azuay, specialized Mediator from the University Espiritu Santo, PhD candidate in Juridical Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, Assistant Researcher II certified by the Senescyt of Ecuador, writer of several indexed scientific articles and a book chapter. Trainer of teams in international human rights competitions, she is a member of the judges of the international human rights competition at American University, Washington, USA.

Fernando Paredes Fuertes, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica

He has a degree in Political Science, is a lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of Ecuador, Doctor in Jurisprudence, Master in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure and Master in Administration and University Teaching; Full-time professor of the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Political Science, Law School of the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica.


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How to Cite

Miranda, A., Romero Romero, C. D., & Paredes Fuertes, F. (2024). Artificial Intelligence: a reality in Copyright Law. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.



Research and Artificial Intelligence