Simulator with Computer Vision for Detection, Tracking, and Distance Calculation of Moving Objects




Artificial Vision, Collision Detection, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Road Safety, You Only Look Once, Object Tracking, Traffic Simulator


Introduction: In the framework of a research on computer vision systems for motorcycle collision prevention, a digital simulator has been developed that evaluates relevant traffic scenarios. Methodology: The simulator analyzes synthetic video sequences of various traffic environments using computer vision models. It uses the YOLO algorithm, known for its speed and accuracy in object detection, to identify, classify and track vehicles, pedestrians and other moving objects. Results: The system is able to estimate Euclidean distance and project the trajectory of items from the rider's perspective, replicating what would be captured by a vision system on a real motorcycle. The adaptability of YOLO allows its use in multiple contexts without the need for intensive retraining. Discussion: The simulator provides a controlled environment to evaluate the performance of collision detection algorithms in critical scenarios, allowing repeatable testing without real risks. Conclusions: This simulator facilitates the validation of collision avoidance algorithms, providing a safe and efficient environment to test their performance in critical traffic situations.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Valderrama García, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

University Research Professor with extensive experience in Systems Engineering and Electronic Engineering; Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Specialization in Visual Analytics and Big Data; Experience in software development and electronic applications. Currently, trainer in emerging technologies and designer of solutions based on artificial intelligence and data analysis for the public sector.


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How to Cite

Valderrama García, L. (2024). Simulator with Computer Vision for Detection, Tracking, and Distance Calculation of Moving Objects. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.



Research and Artificial Intelligence