Misogynistic dynamics in Marca newspaper comments after the #SeAcabó movement





#SeAcabó, manosphere, misogyny, Diario Marca, feminism, sexism, male victimization, comments


Introduction: The #SeAcabó feminist movement led by Jennifer Hermoso following her incident with the then president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation encountered resistance within the manosphere. The objective of this article is to analyze this resistance within the comments section of Diario Marca. Methodology: The study period covers the first month following the incident, for which all comments from news articles were extracted using MyNews and Python tools. Using the Sketch Engine tool, 12 representative words were selected from the 50 most repeated in the corpus. For the analysis, a Critical Discourse Analysis was employed. Results: The results reflected a significant number of misogynistic and sexist comments against the players of the Spanish Women's National Football Team. Discussion: The study of comments in Marca revealed anti-feminist and misogynistic remarks, attacking the integrity and rights of women. There was a tendency to victimize men and minimize the importance of the incident. The main implication is the potential regression in women's rights. Conclusions: The analysis of comments in Marca revealed male victimization, masculinism, and misogyny that should be monitored to evaluate its temporal evolution.


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Author Biography

Alberto Monroy Trujillo, Complutense University of Madrid

Contracted through the University Teacher Training Program of the Ministry of Universities (FPU20/02029) at the Complutense University of Madrid. His postdoctoral research focuses on the study of the manosphere and its relationship with other social movements. His other lines of research are the radical populist right and hate speech.


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How to Cite

Monroy Trujillo, A. (2024). Misogynistic dynamics in Marca newspaper comments after the #SeAcabó movement. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-814




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