Technological resources and teacher training for the educational inclusion of students with disabilities at the university




technological resources, Higher Education, educational inclusion, students with disabilities, university professor, teacher training, inclusive teaching practices, narrative research


Introduction: Currently, universities must offer resources and approaches that address the diverse needs of students with and without disabilities. Thus, technological resources emerge as powerful tools to design inclusive educational practices and develop real spaces for learning, participation and motivation. Methodology: From a narrative approach, the objective of the study is to analyze, from the perspective of students with disabilities at Andalusian universities, what are the main technological resources that teachers use and that facilitate their learning. Structured interviews were conducted with 11 participants. Results: it is highlighted that teachers use various technological resources that significantly improve the learning of university students with disabilities, allowing them to access the content in a flexible way and adapted to their individual needs. However, it is considered essential that teachers are properly trained and trained to apply these technological resources with an inclusive and pedagogical approach. Conclusions: On the one hand, the technological resources used by teachers significantly improve the learning of students with disabilities, allowing them to access the content in a flexible and adapted way; and, on the other hand, it is essential to train and educate teachers for the effective and inclusive use of these technologies in university classrooms.


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Author Biographies

Almudena Cotán Fernández, University of Seville

D. in Pedagogy and professor in the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Sports Sciences (University of Huelva). She belongs to the research group HUM-936 (Analysis of exclusion and socio-educational opportunities). She collaborates as a researcher in the team led by Dr. Anabel Moriña. Her research interests focus on Higher Education, students with disabilities, inclusive pedagogy, ICT, teacher training, innovation, emerging technology, Universal Design for Learning, Universal Design for Instruction, qualitative research and biographical-narrative research.

José Ramón Márquez Díaz, University of Huelva

D. in Social Sciences and Education with International Doctorate Mention. Currently, he is a professor in the area of Didactics and School Organization (DOE) of the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Huelva. On the other hand, he is part, as a staff in training, of the Center for Research in Contemporary Thought and Innovation for Social Development (COIDESO), is a collaborating member of the Educational Research Group DOCE (HUM-668), is an external researcher of the Research Group EducAcción (EducA) and is secretary of the Ibero-American Network of Educational Research (RIBIE). All this has led to very clear and defined lines of research: educational innovation, teacher training, attention to diversity, affective-sexual diversity and gender violence.

Katia Álvarez Díaz, University of Cádiz

Currently, she is a professor in the area of Didactics and School Organization (DOE) of the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Huelva. She is part, as a staff in training, of the Center for Research in Contemporary Thought and Innovation for Social Development (COIDESO), is a collaborating member of the Educational Research Group DOCE (HUM-668) and is an external researcher of the Research Group EducAcción (EducA). The lines of research in which she works are related to early childhood education from research focused on school organization that have to do with learning environments, active methodologies and innovation from the teaching role and tutorial action, teaching materials and resources, the game in childhood, as well as Early Childhood Care.

José Alberto Gallardo-López, University of Cádiz

D. in Pedagogy and professor in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences (University of Cadiz). His main lines of research include: Social Pedagogy, Active and Participative Methodologies, Emotional Education, Educational Inclusion and Educational Technology. He is a member of the Iberoamerican Society of Social Pedagogy (SIPS).


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How to Cite

Cotán Fernández, A., Márquez Díaz, J. R., Álvarez Díaz, K., & Gallardo-López, J. A. (2024). Technological resources and teacher training for the educational inclusion of students with disabilities at the university. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



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