Cultural tourism, resignification of heritage public space as a place brand and territorialization of the Zócalo-Alameda Central-Plaza de la República corridor




cultural tourism, heritage public space, place mark, territorialization, tourist consumption, identity, resignification, urban corridor


Introduction: The practices carried out by tourists within the public heritage space of the Zócalo-Alameda Central-Plaza de la República Corridor are part of their processes of territorialization, appropriation, museification and resignification. These practices promote cultural tourism by building place brands that contribute to the exploitation of these collective heritage assets. Methodology: To analyze the effects of these interrelations, a transdisciplinary methodology was implemented where the logic of the included third party is applied to interpret the relationships of this corridor, with the symbolic, aesthetic and economic dimensions, by observing and ethnographizing it. Results: This place as a tourist attraction demands an interpretation of all territorial intervention, since its impacts result in the domestication of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage as a result of selective modernization. Discussion: The production of places as spaces for tourist consumption generate desirable and undesirable phenomena in public heritage spaces, whose effects must be interpreted to understand their territorialization. Conclusions: A heritage public space is a space practiced, symbolized and emotionalized by tourism, which magnifies its role as a place mark within the territory. Thus, this emblem will be re-semanticized with a utilitarian character, but also by other deeper meanings, to account for its essence.


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Author Biographies

José Antonio García Ayala, National Polytechnic Institute

D. in Urbanism from UNAM, Master of Science in Architecture and Architectural Engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute, where he has worked as a professor and researcher since 2005. He has participated in different research on the effects of leisure time, art and sports in the cultural and aesthetic dimension of the city from the complexity and transdiscipline. He is the author of several books, chapters and articles on epistemology, methodology, urban image, landscape, sociabilization, sociocultural urbanization, emotional architecture, cinema and the meaning of the word colonia, as well as places of high significance such as Jardín Balbuena, Ciudad Deportiva Magdalena Mixiuhca, Corredor Zócalo-Alameda-Plaza de la República, Ruta de la Amistad and Circo Volador.

Blanca Margarita Gallegos Navarrete, National Polytechnic Institute

D. in Architecture and Urbanism Sciences from the National Polytechnic Institute, Architect and Master in Visual Arts from the UNAM; Specialist in Design, Planning and Conservation of Landscapes and Gardens, by the UAM. She is a full time professor and researcher at the School of Engineering and Architecture, Tecamachalco unit of the IPN in the degree of Architectural Engineer and in the Graduate Studies Section in the Master's and Doctorate programs in Architecture and Urbanism Sciences. He has directed research projects on urban transformations from a complex approach and participated in research projects on leisure time in the city. She belongs to the National System of Researchers Level 2 of CONAHCYT.

José Miguel Cruz Herrera, National Polytechnic Institute

Master of Science in Architecture and Urbanism, and Architectural Engineer, by the National Polytechnic Institute. He has worked as head of new concessions projects at ISA Corporativo, and as an appraiser of real estate damages at York International. Cabo Real Group. Resident of public works at ILIFEDF, (Instituto Local de la Infraestructura Física Educativa del Distrito Federal). Supervisor in luxury finishes in Origina Santa Fe project. As well as developer of several integral projects of architectural design, remodeling, construction and structural reinforcement of private buildings both in Mexico City and in the state of Oaxaca. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism Sciences at the Graduate Studies and Research Section of the IPN.


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How to Cite

García Ayala, J. A., Gallegos Navarrete, B. M., & Cruz Herrera, J. M. (2024). Cultural tourism, resignification of heritage public space as a place brand and territorialization of the Zócalo-Alameda Central-Plaza de la República corridor. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.

